Thermostat Scheduler [RELEASED]

Add a time delay to what?

Between sending away "command" to each trv and also in opposite way (from away to day)

What app are you using to send these commands?

I've set away temperture in my all thermostat schedulers but HE can't handle with it and when I'm changing mode to away it don't change temp to away in all trv (HE gets stuck). So I've tested it with simple rule and when I add a delay between changing temp in all 11 trv it is working. So right now I'm wondering how to use built-in away setpoint and delay

I'm not following about "HE can't handle with it", or "HE gets stuck".

If you open the App Status page for Thermostat Scheduler (for example for one that you think didn't send the command), click on the Events button at the top of the page, and examine those events. This will show what Thermostat Scheduler did.

You will have to provide more information than you have, such as screenshots of Thermostat Scheduler.

Are all of your TRVs being set with the same settings? Or are they set differently. If they are the same, or a subset is the same, these can be put into a single instance of Thermostat Scheduler -- as release 2.1.7 allows multiple thermostats in Thermostat Scheduler.

Thermostat scheduler is no longer respecting the minimum setpoint difference feature that was implemented a while back.

Because of this, when it sets the heat setpoint first, then the cooling setpiont second, the thermostat automatically drops the heating setpoint by it's minimum difference setting, resulting in the thermostat being at the wrong setpoint. The only solution is to raise the cooling setpoints in order for the thermostat to be at the correct temperature again. Can we please get this feature back?

I will look into it.

Thank you!

This feature does not override the minimum setpoint separation feature of the thermostat itself. If the thermostat has that feature, there is nothing that Thermostat Scheduler can do about it. Please clarify.

Let me see if I can find the thread where we discussed this before when you first implemented the required setpoint separation feature for thermostat scheduler.

The original request was to allow it to be 0. This was so that Thermostat Scheduler itself was not imposing the separation. But, one imposed by the thermostat is just what it is.

Found it!

You implemented this feature because when thermostat schedule sends both setpoints to thermostat, the thermostat either drops the heat or raises the cool to get it's minimum difference but it does it based on the order that it receives them, not based on which mode it is in. So, right now it's in heat mode and if both are 69, the heat setpoint ends up getting dropped to 66 because it sends the heat setpoint of 69 then the cooling setpoint of 69.

We discussed all this back when you implemented this feature. It's a little disheartening that we have to have this entire conversation again when the feature to fix it was already implemented but is no longer working.

That is not what was requested or what was implemented before. I can restore to 2.1.6 and capture logs if you like to show you that this not how it worked if you like.

Hey, it's been months, and I don't recall the specifics. Also, this part of Thermostat Scheduler has not been touched, so I'm not at all sure what is happening or why there is now a problem with it.

So, yes, please provide specifics as to what changed, prior behavior vs current behavior.

In 2.1.6, if you had a defined required separation,
it would modify the "other" setpoint to the defined separation. It would either raise the cool (if you were in heat) or lower the heat (if you were in cool) until the defined separation was achieved. So, if the separation was 5 and both setpoints were 70 and you were in heat mode, the cool setpoint would be raised to 75. If you were in cool mode the heat setpoint would be lowered to 65. Thus allowing the correct setpoint to be used by the thermostat.

In 2.1.7, this setting appears to do nothing at all.

OK, I'll investigate. Probably an unintended side effect from allowing multiple thermostats in 2.1.7.


Could you show me the Settings from App Status page for the 2.1.7 instance that doesn't work.

I had already captured one. :slight_smile:

Is there some one I can speak to about a large project I am working on. I would like to consider using this product