Recently been playing with the thermostat scheduler app and it offers some nice solutions.
However, i'd like to control it with certain conditions that i am unable to obtain.
I'd like to only increase the temperature set-points if the heating is running (a condition to run). But i want to ensure the "set temperature low" conditions are executed every time.
The heating runs on two demands- if the house requires heating OR if a certain level of humidity is reached in one room. During warmer/summer weather the heating will run to deal with humidity but the TRVs will be required to stay low (dont need to heat the house!) and get not set high by the thermostat-scheduler.
I can, of course, set a condition where the thermostat scheduler only activates when the heating is engaged but this would prevent control of the thermostats (to set them low) if this condition wasnt met (ie when the heating is off).
Create a virtual thermostat, and make it the one controlled by the scheduler. The idea is to intercept commands and decide whether or not to pass on to the real thermostat, using Rule Machine. The trigger of such a rule would be a setpoint changing (i.e., the scheduler has kicked in), and the logic you need would be applied in the actions of the rule. The normal action would be to just pass the command on to the real thermostat. I'd start out just passing all commands, to get this working, then introduce the logic once it works as it should.
could that be done in one rule-machine occurance or would i need two separate rules, ie one rule for the temperature increase with conditions and another rule for the temperature decrease with no conditions?
i've yet to do any complex rules with rule-machine so forgive my lack of knowledge on this
alternative solution- be interested to hear peoples thoughts on this-
have two thermostat schedulers per TRV, one that always activates (low setpoints) and another scheduler that only engages upon a condition (setpoints high)