I believe this might be a bug in thermostat scheduler 2.0
I have a time based thermostat scheduler that can bet set to Hold by a rule and then it has a hold = off setting with a delay of one hour.
The rule sets hold = on properly and it remains in hold, however the scheduled temperature setpoints are still being set by the scheduler after a short delay. When I check after the temperature is set by the thermostat scheduler, it's still in Hold mode. The rule appears to be working as expected, it's just thermostat scheduler not respecting that it's in hold.
How are you setting the hold? It might be helpful to post your hold rule. I have rules to run my Zen Zigbee Edition thermostat and I don't use the Thermostat Scheduler. It may be that you will need to do likewise to have your hold rule set the temperature and pause the other rule which would otherwise be changing the setpoint, and then resuming the other rule(s) after your delay. I am only speculating because there isn't enough information to know what is happening for sure.
I took things a step further by disabling the rule and simply manually triggering Hold on the thermostat scheduler. So far it has held the temperature, this leads me to believe it indeed was something with my setup.
I did find some logic problems in my rule that set the hold so I am going to re-think how I've set this up.