Thermostat controller shambles


I've tried and tried, and have ended up getting more and more frustrated. The "help" section/instructions with screenshots gets one only so far.

I have set up about a dozen of these controllers, sometimes after deleting and starting from scratch, following instructions to the letter. Sometimes I have had some limited success. Then it goes wrong. Other times it's just baffling from the outset.

Is there a better set of instructions anywhere?

I'm very close to giving up on the whole thing, but I've invested in these things, and made an undertaking to a number of people to get them working. We need something like this, and I'll probably start a thread on the "big picture" to see if anyone has some suggestions.

Behaviours I'm seeing:

Set up thermostat controller, turn it to controlled: in the device it shows free. Have to turn it to controlled in there too.

Turn heat up using controller: controlled thermostat goes up, mode is heat.
Turn heat down using controller: controlled thermostat stays same, but mode goes to off.
Set controlling thermostat to 23ºC: controlled thermostat changes to 0.0ºC. Can't figure out how to change it to something else using controlling thermostat.

Honestly, whilst I fully appreciate that Hubitat is not aimed at the standard user, and is necessarily more techie and complicated, I am frustrated at the level of voodoo required to get this working.

I realise that I'm not asking specific questions here, and that's part of the reason I have not reached out so far (after about 6 months of wrestling), but I barely know what to ask. Beyond "what the hell?" I am left scratching my head at which variables might conceivably being throwing me off track here!

For reference, I am trying to control Moes BRT-100 TRVs, which are running using Tuya Wall Thermostat driver. These essentially work, or at least they could do!

I'll create a separate topic with my ultimate goal. I thought I would have got there by now, but this is, frankly, the main stumbling block. Anyone got a magic wand?

Thank you!

Well this is the rub... Without exactly knowing what you are trying to do it's very hard to offer any advice or solutions... Once you put down in writing what you are looking to do, we can help you get through it so you have your AHA! moment and see how things are structured for it..

Ahh, this is the thing! I'm trying to detail the overall setup in a clear way.

With this particular issue, however, what I'm trying to do is kind of as simple as "make the thermostat work"! Today I've needed to turn three TRVs down, and the controller thermostats just wouldn't do it. I ended up going into the actual (controlled) thermostats to do it "manually".

Perhaps I concentrate on the bigger picture, in case different strategies (or kit) is suggested.

... I've posted in Lounge with my big plea...

I tried for ages to get this to work. Although I didn't get the scenario you have outlined. I found the Thermostat within the TRV competed constantly with the room Thermostat and confused the Thermostat Controller App constantly.

As soon as I fitted dumb radiator valves meant for underfloor heating to my radiators (controlled via simple rules and switches) it works flawlessly.

The MOES valves work great with hubitat when they work independently and you want to control each valve directly but as soon as the Thermostat Controller is introduced there is a flaw in the understanding of at which time which is the master and which is the slave. Likely to be caused by the TRV.

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