@bravenel I don't see emergency heat changes mentioned in the Thermostat Controller release notes. Was anything done with this?
I have a heat pump using a T6Pro tstat. It has the ability to have an external temp probe connected and then a temp set that once the external temp is below that set temp then the stat is changed from Heat mode to Emergency Heat mode. Can that functionality be added to the Thermostat controller app?
I would like to use a hub temp sensor or weather provider temp as the input and be able to set the setpoint for the Heat to Emergency Heat mode.
The issue discussed in the referenced thread had to do with Thermostat Controller setting the thermostat to heat when it was in emergency heat, and TC was controlling it. That issue was fixed, and if the controlled thermostat is in emergency heat, TC should leave it there. TC itself doesn't have a feature to choose emergency heat.
Should I have the basic rule set the TC stat or the physical stat to Emergency Heat? Will Thermostat Scheduler not override Emergency Heat mode either?
Yeah, it can set the mode of the controller (or controlled) thermostat to Emergency Heat. Having done that it won't change it to Heat. But that's not the same as a sensor setting the thermostat to Emergency Heat in response to a temperature. You still want a rule to do that, and that rule should set the controller thermostat. The controller thermostat fully takes over and commands the controlled thermostat, so setting the controlled thermostat would be overridden by the controller.
As for Thermostat Scheduler, it only sets the thermostat mode when a setting is entered into the schedule, and it will do what it says.