The Zigbee Network Graph


I love the Zigbee Network Graph. I think it is a brilliant feature that shows the network in such a pedagogical and informative way. It has been available for a while now but still says beta. I also find that it does not show all devices that are attached and that it keeps changing constantly. The constant changes might be an adequate reality but if you close the graph and open it again, you get a completely different view than was displayed before you restarted it. One whould have expected the views to be virtually identical. Since it does not show all devices and keeps changing one wonders how reliable it is to use?

What is the status and plan for the Zigbee Network graph?

I don't think there is any more development needed for it. What else were you looking for it to do?

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I agree, I don't think it needs more features (perhaps with the exception of a legend to the various colors). It is rather that when it says beta at least I get the impression that the feature might not be fully tested or developed? And as there are devices that are connected that does not show up, it seems the graph is not completely reliable.


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I am terribly sorry, My left eye is due for cataract suregery, I blame it on that. But the 'beta' designation and missing devices remain an open question?

EDIT: I am not an engineer so this might be a daft suggestion, but if there are information about signal strength available, perhaps that could be added to the mouse over functionality? This to be used in a scenario where you can see the signal strentgh and get an idea if you could improve the connection by moving the device. Again, I am not sure if that is feasable, but if it is, that could be an idea.

If you leave it open roughly 24 hours or so they should all show up. The script watches for devices reporting in. Sleepy devices only wake up every so often.

Would it then be possible to show all devices in the map from the start, even those who has not reported in yet (with no color) ? With such a feature you would know they are there.

No because it uses the internal Zigbee table and that table is constantly changing

Ah, okey, thanks. Again, I am not an engineer, but for arguments sake, it would not be possible to base the graph on a custom view?

You would have to write something new and probably have off device storage to maintain... You could explore writing something like that. It's actually based off the zigbee view utility available in the Hubitat Package Manager...

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Thanks Rick!

Good luck on your surgery!

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Thank you!

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