The "Save" button

What's the point? I don't get it... All it does is do exactly what already happened when you clicked outside of the text box. It just seems redundant.

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Maybe Iā€™m just a little dense this evening, but what app, setting or device driver are we speaking of

It's the new button introduced recently next to most text boxes.

You are right about it being effectively redundant. I believe the purpose was to provide a more obvious option that indicated what was happening.


Because people were confused about having to click outside the box. Other hubs have a save button so some users just sat there and stared at the screen when a save button didn't appear in Hubitat. So a few complaints later, here we are!

Edit: sorry for the sarcasm, but there were a few confused people and this was meant to fix that.


No, I really appreciate the sarcasm. It's like my native language.


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