The Noob's (in)complete guide to CSS for Hubitat

So close! This got rid of the text like I wanted but also got rid of the icon. How do I keep the icon? Here is the fully open inspector for that tile if it helps.
Screenshot 2020-07-30 14.01.12

On another note while im here, How do I go about making this icon more centered?
Screenshot 2020-07-30 13.50.50

For removing "Open" you can do something like (looks like your tile ID is tile-11):

#tile-11 .tile-primary > div:nth-child(2) {
    display: none;

I've removed text like that using that kind of CSS. For example, I removed the text from my motion displays with:

.motion .tile-primary > div:nth-child(2) {
    display: none !important;

If it doesn't work, add !important (I'm not sure I needed it in mine...).

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You can't. The text and icon are part of the same element so it's all or nothing. The alternative is to substitute your own icon for the one that came with the tile. Try this approach from here.

My bad. @BrianP's approach does work. I'm still a noob and my knowledge is incomplete! :smiley:

@BrianP how do you tell which child it is? I can't for the life of me see it when inspecting the source.

@michael.sbrocchi it looks like you are using smartly with the quarter mod. It's recommended that you turn off helper text when using that mod. That will remove that text you speak of and adjust the icons.


as mentioned in the other thread you can use the code below to adjust the icon location as needed, once the helper text is removed. (setting gear > options)

#tile-7 .material-icons{position:absolute;top:-5px;right:18px}

That selects the 2nd <div> in the .tile-primary class that is contained within the <div> with ID = tile-11. The first is the <div> with the icon. The 2nd is the <div> with "Open." The first is the <div> containing the icon, and the 3rd is the <div> with class="dimmer".

The > means a direct descendant of that element, and :nth-child() just counts descendants. So for example:

#tile-11 .tile-primary > div {
    display: none;

Would select all the <div> elements in the .tile-primary class, but no elements that are inside that, so a <div> inside a <table> in the .tile-primary class would not be selected. Like below:

<div id="tile-11">
    <div class="tile-primary">
        <div>Something</div> <!-- This is selected -->
                <div>Something in a table.</div> <!-- This is not selected -->
        <div>Something else</div> <!-- This is selected -->



So in my original post I can change the tile background colour, but how can we change the colour when the tile changes its state, for example the standard tile for a contact sensor turns red when triggered, how can we change this?

EDIT: Solved here

EDIT 2: Unfortunately this solution only works for switch tiles, contact sensors are no - no :frowning_face:

You can edit the Template for "Contact Sensor" to select the Color, Background Color and Custom Icon for each of the two states ("open" and "closed").

Here's what it will look like in the "Layout" - this combination provides a white check mark on a green background for "closed", and a white "X" on a red background for "open":

"customColors": [
    "template": "contact",
    "bgColor": "rgb(174,0,0)",
    "iconColor": "",
    "state": "open",
    "customIcon": "clear"
    "template": "contact",
    "bgColor": "rgb(0,128,0)",
    "iconColor": "",
    "state": "closed",
    "customIcon": "check"
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I've seen a workaround to this elsewhere in the CSS threads, at least-- use 'Door Sensor' for those you want inverse and change the standard color.

I'm using a background image on my dashboard. By default the background-position is center center. I would like to right align the image "right center". Is it possible to get to the background via CSS?

I know how to write Firefox and Chrome addons, also known as extensions. I could write one that would do all of the CSS mods automatically.. Any interest in that?

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It would be a browser addon. When it recognizes you are on your dashboard it would apply the css with no intervention from you. Firefox is the easiest browser to support but I think I could support Chrome also. Just a thought, I have not decided to do it yet.

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I haven't tried it but this in your custom CSS should do it:

html {
    background-position: right center;

or maybe

html {
    background-position: right center !important;

for sure will want that "!important" as the version without it will not be "more specific" (and therefore not respected/followed)

I have tried both. Didn't work. :worried:

Probably because your background size is set to cover, so they look the same.

Try the following:

html {
    background-position: right center !important;
    background-size: 300px 100px !important;

@BrianP Thanks a ton. it worked !

I'd have to look more closely to know what's going on, but I'm guessing that you've centered a div inside another div that is not centered vertically. You might need to go up the hierarchy.

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Try this:

#tile-93.tile.level-step .tile-primary > div:nth-child(1) { display: none; }
#tile-93.tile.level-step .material-icons.he-settings1 { display: none; }

You can only us collapse on table elements. Using it on a div or an icon, it ends up being visibility: hidden, which means the element is hidden but still takes up the same amount of space.

If you use display: none it just disappears completely.

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Glad to hear!

I typically look at:


I always need refreshers on CSS when I'm trying something.


Quick question, is not possible to change the background color of a individual tile? It is a "link" device. I tried this:

#tile-17 .tile-primary {background-color: rgb(200,200,200) !important;}