The Charger I Just Got Doesn't Turn Itself Off!

I never heard of such a thing!

I got it and some D-size Ni-Cads for several flashlights.

The instructions recommend running the batteries all the way down, then using their formula to calculate how long to charge it, otherwise battery will be damaged!


You get what you pay for.

Until the invention of the β€œsmart” charger, chargers were pretty dumb.

I was shocked, so to speak, lol. I've ever had one that didn't shut down when the charge was complete. I ordered an EverReady at twice the price.

Dang, are you still using those giant Maglight flashlights in 2024?


If it ain't broke. :smiley:
But I have upgraded to Ni-MH and adapters. :wink:

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I mis-spoke: they are Ni-MH.

Oh, well in that case it's absurd that you have to manually stop the charge. Instant return in my books.

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This is an odd combo, a guy with a Jetson's level Hubitat Home Controller and flashlight tech from 1970. You might want to consider getting a Convoy Lithium torch, not expensive and some come with a built in charger, that does stop charging. Unless you need the giant flashlight as a weapon.

Be nice. There's validity to some of those old 5/6 cell Maglites loaded up with heavy D cells. If you have a home intruder, your not going to subdue them with a lightweight lithum flashlight. :wink:

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True, but while they're blinded by 2500 lumens to the pupils there's opportunity to deploy any number of objects against them. I, for one, will make sure all their vaccinations are up to date, and administer a 9mm booster shot.

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There's a place in my life for old tech and new tech, and you can never have too many flashlights. :crazy_face:
Last one used.

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