This is a heartfelt thanks to the community and staff. On October 4, while loading food into our church van for our Food Pantry for the less fortunate, I ruptured a disc in my back (L3-L4, lateral tear). I have been flat on my back, in bed, in great pain, since October 4, only getting out of bed to be taken to the doctors or to hobble to the bathroom.
The house outside lights turn on at sunset and off at sunrise. Room lights turn on automatically as I hobble into the bathroom, and turn off when I leave. The cats are automatically fed each day. The cat doors lock and unlock at the appointed times. I can ask where the cats are and be told their location (Echo Speaks and RM). The cat litter box is cleaned automatically (Litter Robot on Home Assistant, brought to Hubitat by HADB - thanks, @ymerj). Integration with Alexa allows me to control devices as needed.
I don’t use any Dashboards, I don’t use apps.
Hopefully, my surgery tomorrow will relieve the pain. But Hubitat has made it possible for me to stay in my house, in great pain, and have life go on. I hope none of you ever has to experience the pain of a ruptured disc.
To be clear, I liked the gratitude and great uses of the tech, the back issue, for someone trying to help others no less, sounds terrible. Good luck with the surgery.
Good luck! I had an l4/l5 laminectomy in Dec of 22.... While recovery was tough that 1st week, I can promise you it gets better. Don't do what I did though and let your core go to hell. PT and exercise as soon as you are able. You'll be up and around in no time!!!!
It’s interesting how for a lot of us, this is a hobby for which we can quickly see and enjoy the results. However, this hobby’s results can help so much at times - very glad it did for you!