Thank goodness for SmartThings

Another thing I'm just noticing...
It should be

   nest_issue_cookie: SID=tiwojmsdfokmdo..........

You've got issue_token: "https....." and cookie: "SID=.......". I think those were for the old nest account, not the google account. The lines required in configuration.yaml between nest/google accounts are different.

Also quotations matter in some instances, not in others. I personally have no quotations in mine.

Do users still have to publicly post a positive review to get updates?

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LOL no idea. I bought his thermostat control app way back when I used ST and felt like I needed a PhD to configure the thing. It didn't make a whole lot of sense and was clearly written by a developer with a disconnect to his users. I see him posting his app all over facebook, and a lot of people trolling it as well. Mostly people bashing because he charges. He seems like a real great dev, but not overly liked. Rboy on the other hand charges for his apps and people recommend his stuff all the time. So I don't think the disconnect is really the money.


I never had a reason to pay for one of his apps, but over and over again in the ST forum he would get into fights with users and generally blame them for not using his apps correctly (or follow the right troubleshooting steps), threaten to take away their access to updates for badmouthing him, and he seemingly never passed up an opportunity to threadjack and promote his own apps/trash another devā€™s app.

At least thatā€™s my impression of why he rubbed some people the wrong way.


Opinions differ on that point.


I should say great as far as his code goes. Not so much great as how he implements it and clearly from what @marktheknife is saying not with how he interacts with others either.

I know his licensing on his code prevents it from being re-used or ported, but someone should pay the $20 just to see the method and then write a new app for HE.

Iā€™d GLADY pay if someone were down. Honestly hubitat should pay. I feel a nest integration would pay for itself 100 fold. My thought from the beginning, nest and myq support would give nest a clear edge over the comp

@Angus_M, got any links to guides? I would love to add some video feeds to HE

And this is even cooler :wink:

I feel that if Nest doesn't let more partners in, people will quit buying their walled garden **** and go elsewhere. Then the problem takes care of itself organically. :slight_smile:


Yea, if only I didnā€™t just buy one :rage:

Thy aren't bad devices - just little 3rd party integration support.

Yea. I was hoping to get rid of Homebridge soon tho

I bought 5 nest protect smoke detectors and the nest hello cam. Then I moved. Brought it all with me. I need 2 more smoke detectors, and refuse to buy nest smoke detectors unless they start opening that gate. I'm focused on other things right now, but when those are all done and smoke detectors are last, I'll replace them all with something else if there's still no proper api. And I say this as someone who has a nest integration that currently works and could add 2 more smoke detectors to it without any issue. Sounds petty, but they could turn off that method at any time with the flip of the switch so I'm not going to invest until I have more certainty.

Add to that all the new people to home automation looking for which thermostat to buy.... how many people do you see recommending nest since the works with nest program got shut down? This one move has certainly hit their revenue, but they're google.... what's a few million to them? :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you get the badnest integration working?

Nope, you just reminded me, Iā€™ll play more now

ahhh, so I would need to have a device dedicated to run tinycam and provide it's feed to HE

i guess i can spin up a bluestacks and try it out. might need to get more HE hubs though to help me with the data. i know my HA dash was using more resources when i had the rtsp feeds going to it, and with all my rules, my HE could use a break

Yeah, I'm running tinyCam on a relatively cheap Chinese tablet that I also use for my dashboard in the house.

@MRobi, @marktheknife

That would constitute a copyright violation (according to the license)... And, the copyright is clear in all headers of the code...

BTW, be careful when you write in a public forum..

For 1 negative feedback, I can give 100 positive comments in the ST community forum... So,
check your sources and reconsider your post.

@marktheknife, this is quite surprising coming from you as I have always been very service-oriented & courteous when interacting with you in the ST community forum as per the following posts in my Flair thread:

As an example, here are some testimonials from some happy contributors, and there are many more under my ST forum threads.

@marktheknife, @MRobi BTW, there is a law against public defamation & libel.