Text To Speech Broken?

Hey sorry Ogiewon wife came home had to do the husband thing for a bit, I have a Sonos beam and 2 play 1s they are setup as surround so thats how they show up. I have tested my 2 den hue bulbs in HE they say on and off, not sure what the problem is. but I setup a new trigger with a window sensor and it announces but the den1 and 2 rule still does nothing.

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I switched to Sonos some months ago and the TTS from Notifier Plus and RM are stopping music. Using Patrick's diagnostic tip mentioned in another thread, I launched "Play Text" and then "Play Text and Restore" from the device page. In both tests, music did not resume. @mike.maxwell wanted to know music source in yet another Sonos thread, in this case it was Amazon music initiated via an Echo Dot. So this is still an unresolved Sonos issue?

Honestly? I don't have a clue. I think, generally, TTS to SONOS works for me, but I rarely use it. I thinkin the end I simply picked a couple of Play:1 speakers and dedicated them to TTS, not bothering playing Music on them. With the advent of the Symfonisk speakers, this seems much more rational than it did when each TTS speaker was effectively $150 plus.

Sorry, as far as I know, nothing has changed...I'm just using mine differently to work around the problem.