Tesla Connect 3.0 - Integration to Query Car Status - Deprecated, see below for replacment

Larry, Thank you for looking at this, I'm wondering if Geofencing is even an option to automate the garage door? That is my only reason for integration.

it is.. you would have to set log and latitue and increased poll settings.. looks like you dont have the latest version with the fix for the tesla api version.. what version are you running and when and how did you install.

I am on & downloaded via HPM

No the version in the app code not the hub.. it should look somthing like this and be 3.5.2 take a look.

when did you download via hpm bacause it is not updating correctly with debug on in the app it should look like this as well.. you will need to do an "wake" in the car device to force it.

lets get you car refreshing correctly before trying other stuff. maybe a problem with your tokens

I'm on version 3.52, removed & reinstalled app, tried Wake, still no response from Device buttons

i dont see anything coming back you should get stuff back like i see. did you turn debugging on in the app.. and did it find your car on the next page?

dont try unlock.. get the refresh working.. i cant help you if you dont get that working.. just try wake and refresh..

also is the car online.. does it respond via the phone app? because it looks like now there are no errors but it is not responding.

Debugging is on, car is on line and responding to App

that looks good. so no errors.. is it just unlock.. now try turning on climate or something and see if you get anything back... check both debug logs for app and car device.

you do have a longitude and latitude so at least you can use that to put in the car device and turn on alternate presence..

recommend starting with .25 km from home and have the refresh time up to 30 secs. for 5 minutes.

something like this.. then you can check the presence attribute and write a rule based on presence being present to open your garage door/unarm the house etc. whatever.

obvioiusly use your own home longitude and lattitude.

Executed Heat, no response

I will work on Geofencing. I appreciate all your assistance

You wont see a response in the app or logs.. did u check that in the car? Nothing is sent back to the integration unless you run a refesh or it runs on the schedule.

if you cannot get it working maybe someone else can jump in as i wont be able to help till maybe thurs. as we are leaving tomorrow and driving to florida for a month.. good luck

I’ll keep an eye out and see what I can do to help. I use this app to send commands to my car but switched to TeslaMate app for data since it uses the streaming API and updates almost immediately. The only downside is you need to have a local server running to host TeslaMate MQTT.


@kahn-hubitat Is there any way to get the status of the battery heating?

I don't see anything similar in the debug logs when hitting the Refresh button. Is there information coming in that your app/driver ignores or throws out?

Enjoy your trip to Florida! I'll virtual high-5 you as I pass you by later this month!

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looks like tesla broke controlling the car for newer cars in preparation for them to charge for this feature as feared..

there doesnt seem to be a good solution for an individual user.. they want whole fleets of cars to use their own proxy server and register and eventually pay for the feature.. ■■■ holes

see this


one solution i am thinking about is an option to use teslafi to do the commands in the future.. they do not have their own local api that i see but asked them about it..

for now they have a an alexa integration that can do that sort of stuff what are your thoughts to have an option to setup and flip local virtual switches that you would setup rules to call your alexa routines to perform these options ?

this would require you to obviously pay for tesla fi.. in the long run this may be the only type of viable solutions where 3rd party systems are large enough to register with tesla a a fleet etc.

Even better i got a response back from teslafi..

they do have an api see here..

and they said they are working on the changs and live controls work on their website and they plan to have them working again via their api in the next few days..

so going on this assumption

  1. i will add an option fo use teslafi api for car controls.
  2. this will require you to set it up on their site and enter your teslafi token into this integration as well..
  3. i will check for this and use this instead of the direct to tesla api when enabled..





  1. The TeslaFi API enables a json output feed to access the last data points TeslaFi received from the Tesla API and control your vehicle.

  2. Current Token: token removed for security

  3. Example Usage:

  4. Authorization Header (Recommended):
    Pass the authentication token in an authorization header:
    Authorization: Bearer removed
    curl -H "removed" https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?command=COMMAND

  5. Query Parameters:
    Pass the authentication token in a URL:
    [https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=tokenremoved1&command=COMMAND](https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=token removed)


I’m not familiar with TelaFI yet… Will look into it, though I’m not Krazy about having to pay a subscription, I will if/when it has lots of value…

It is really annoying that Tesla is breaking the ability to integrate though! That is so useful!!!

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I've used their service for a long time. I really like it. But I don't know if I want to query my car via it.

Here's something I wrote about it.

(use my referral "jlv1" when you sign up to get double the free trial if you want)

TeslaMate is a local solution similar to TeslaFi. I wonder what they will do. It's similar to this integration.

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