Terminology nitpick: Zigbee exclude

I've read it and said it many times .. there's no such thing as a Zigbee exclude. As far as I know, the hub can't really do anything to the device to prepare it to re-pair to a different hub. It should be factory reset. All the hub can do is remove it.

But ...


I first saw that wording in 2.4.0 and I reacted to it as well. I have been doing some (unrelated) testing with a Zigbee device and doing that I had to remove the device and re-pair it again several times. What I found was that it actually seems like HE is able to remove the device and get the device into a pairing state. It was very handy for what I was doing as I didn’t have to touch the device physically during all of the times I had to remove and re-pair this device

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It depends on the device, some don’t respond to the leave request the hub sends when device is removed.


Still confusing, as "Exclude" is compulsory on Z-Wave and causes issues when it fails.
This Zigbee leave request has no consequence for the user AFAIK (and therefore irrelevant IMO).

Exclude/Include is a trigger word for some of us who break into a sweat whenever manipulating nodes on a Z-Wave mesh.

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As I indicated in the title, this is admittedly a very nitpicky observation. If one googles "zigbee exclude" you find the word widely (albeit possibly incorrectly) used to refer to removing a Zigbee device.

However, it is also pointed out that neither "exclude" nor "exclusion" are mentioned in the Zigbee spec, while it clearly is with Z-Wave.

That specific word may send novice users looking for their device exclusion instructions which won't exist. A simple enough change to simply "Zigbee Remove" seems better, and that still leaves open the possibility that for some devices, the hub will send something to the device as part of removal.


It's a bit worse than that, at least for novice users.

Beyond the use of that word, the "remove device" dialog links to manufacturer instructions which, if they exist, are irrelevant to removing Zigbee devices from the hub.

The "add zigbee device" dialog mentions factory-resetting the device but does not link to manufacturer instructions, although this is the moment when they are needed, to put the device in pairing mode.