Telldus energy switch


I have two tzwp-102 ​connected to a hubitat hub. Both devices connects to the hub successfully and I can set/get values.​
I am located in Sweden and one of the devices are reporting correct voltage e.g. 220-240 V => since the correct reported voltage the other values, current and power will also be correct.​

The other device are reporting incorrect voltage e.g. 0.1-0.2 V. Since the voltage value is "incorrect" the value of current and power scales incorrect.

I have tested both devices in the same outlet e.g. I connected the working device to one outlet, then disconnected the working device and then connected the not working device.

Both devices are using the same driver (zooz power switch) and has been factory restored. The devices has also been excluded and rejoined to the hub.
I also factory restored the hub but there were no difference. Which concludes that the devices that reports "wrong" values is faulty or have wrong settings.

What do I do?

Log of the working device after rejoin:
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:45.161 infoZ-Wave command:BasicReport(value:255, targetValue:0, duration:0)
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:45.067 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 2, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 208, 128])
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:44.966 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 5, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 1, 58])
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:44.870 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 4, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 3, 156, 44])
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:37.289 infofingerprint mfr:"0176", prod:"0003", deviceId:"0003", inClusters:"0x5E,0x25,0x85,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x32,0x5A,0x73,0x70,0x2C,0x2B,0x98,0x9F,0x6C,0x7A"
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:37.285 debugbuilding fingerprint for unknown Z-Wave device...
dev:22022-06-26 13:46:35.245 debugconfigure() called...

Current States

  • current : 0.317
  • currentH : 0.317
  • currentL : 0.313
  • energy : 0.021
  • energyDuration : Unknown
  • power : 53.376
  • powerH : 61.948
  • powerL : 51.995
  • switch : on
  • voltage : 236.588
  • voltageH : 237.202
  • voltageL : 236.588

Log of the faulty device after rejoin:

dev:12022-06-26 13:45:14.790 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 2, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 8, 45])
dev:12022-06-26 13:45:14.693 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 4, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 111])
dev:12022-06-26 13:45:04.991 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 2, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 21, 167])
dev:12022-06-26 13:45:04.895 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 4, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 111])
dev:12022-06-26 13:45:01.691 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 2, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 12, 144])
dev:12022-06-26 13:45:01.590 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 4, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 111])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:59.291 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 2, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 2, 131])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:59.190 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 4, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 111])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:57.593 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 5, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 14])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:55.987 infoZ-Wave command:BasicReport(value:255, targetValue:0, duration:0)
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:40.621 infoZ-Wave command:BasicReport(value:0, targetValue:0, duration:0)
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:40.581 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 2, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 0])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:40.555 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 5, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 0])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:40.554 infoZ-Wave command:MeterReport(scale: 4, rateType: 1, scale2: 0, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [], meterType: 1, precision: 3, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 111])
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:33.488 infofingerprint mfr:"0176", prod:"0003", deviceId:"0003", inClusters:"0x5E,0x25,0x85,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x32,0x5A,0x73,0x70,0x2C,0x2B,0x98,0x9F,0x6C,0x7A"
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:33.467 debugbuilding fingerprint for unknown Z-Wave device...
dev:12022-06-26 13:44:31.323 debugconfigure() called...

Current States

  • current : 0.018
  • currentH : 0.018
  • currentL : 0.018
  • energy : 0.000
  • energyDuration : Unknown
  • power : 2.050
  • powerH : 2.050
  • powerL : 1.993
  • switch : on
  • voltage : 0.112
  • voltageH : 0.112
  • voltageL : 0.112

Did you buy them at the same time from the same supplier?


The one that reports incorrect values DID WORK when hub was running 2.2.5. After upgrade to something went wrong.
I did downgrade the hub från 2.3.xx to 2.2.5, factory restored and rejoined the "faulty one", but it still reported wrong values.
Now the hub is factory restored with => http://ip-of-hub:8081/?fullui

These are z-wave devices aren't they? Does your hub need a z-wave update? That doesn't come with the normal hub update.

It’s worth a test! Are there any instructions to update zwave?

Before you do, I'd advise re-updating the hub to latest, as it needs to be the right zwave with the right hub level. Then go to Settings, Zwave details, and somewhere in the lefthand array of buttons should be an update button for zwave. NOT the one on the right which is to update your region etc. If you don't see the update zwave button you don't need an update, so they say. And you could do a repair zwave if you think it's worth a try

thanks! i do not see any update button on the left side, so it seems up to date.

both devices are running firmware 2.12 and the manufacturer does not seem to provide any downloadable firmwares, sadly.

i guess i have to talk to the manufacturer.

Are you able to see the fimware version of each of the devices?

Did you say you'd already done Configure on the device page of hubitat?

yes. when i navigate to each device, on the bottom of the page im able to see the below result.
regarding the Configure - i have just pressed the configure button. i do not know what to do else :slight_smile:

device that reports faulty values:

Data * deviceType: 3

  • firmwareVersion: 2.12
  • deviceId: 3
  • inClusters: 0x5E,0x25,0x85,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x32,0x5A,0x73,0x70,0x2C,0x2B,0x98,0x9F,0x6C,0x7A
  • manufacturer: 374

the device that reports correct values

Data * deviceType: 3

  • firmwareVersion: 2.12
  • deviceId: 3
  • inClusters: 0x5E,0x25,0x85,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x32,0x5A,0x73,0x70,0x2C,0x2B,0x98,0x9F,0x6C,0x7A
  • manufacturer: 374

You know what? I'd leave it a couple of days (plug something in just to give it something to get to work on) and see if it kind of settles. If not I reckon you might be right in the first place and it's gone faulty.