Through the fantastic work of @garyjmilne, Tasmota is still alive in HE. I had been using Markus’ T4HE as I went with Tasmota integrated to HE via HTTP hooks in order to keep my devices local. Unfortunately, with the departure/banning of Markus and Markus moving on to other endeavors, us Tasmota-philes were left unsupported and stuck on v8.5.1 and the limitations of Markus’ drivers and app (relatively high overhead etc). Anyway, history lesson aside, @garyjmilne stepped in to save the day and now we all have a relatively low load method of integrating native Tasmota 11.1.0 (no HTTP hooks or other alterations) with Hubitat with @garyjmilne’s HE Tasmota drivers (thank you Gary!).
I have been slowly migrating all my old 8.5.1 Tasmota devices and reflashing/updating them to 11.1.0 for use with @garyjmilne’s drivers. Everything has been going as expected with my wall switches/dimmers, however, I utilize a number of Sonoff S31 EM (energy monitoring) smart plugs as well as some Sonoff S31 Lite (non-energy monitoring) plugs. There is a blue led, and a red led on these plugs. Normally, when the plug is plugged into the wall outlet, the blue led lights up indicating the plug is receiving power. When the plug is energized, both the blue and red leds are normally lit. After updating to 11.1.0, now the leds only light up when the plug is turned on. When it is off, both leds are off. I prefer to have the blue led on whenever there is power to the plug as an indicator that the wall outlet is indeed providing power to the smart plug.
Its been so long since I was really into the nuts and bolts of building Tasmota devices that I forgot the Template settings for how to control the leds’ operating characteristics. The template settings have obviously changed since v8.5.1.
Since the Sonoff S31 and S31 Lite were so commonly flashed with Tasmota, I was hoping one of the experienced Tasmota guys in our community could nudge me in the right direction. I converted about two years ago to Tasmotizer for ease of use but really have not used it in two years. I just need to know the template settings for the S31 EM and S31 Lite (or the console commands) so that I can get the blue led to serve as a power indicator (like before in 8.5.1) and the red led to serve as a plug outlet ON indicator. Thanks in advance for any help, and thanks to @garyjmilne for keeping all my Tasmota devices relevant! Thanks again!