I bought two tuya smart wifi bulbs from airser on the assumption that I could flash them OTA.
I had this assumption because the bulbs were on this list with a flashed with tuya-convert description:
However, when I used my OTA flashing system (pi 3 running raspbarian, usb mouse and keyboard, HDMI monitor, and 3amp micro-usb power supply), it kept saying sending smartconfig packets and auto retrying (what happens when no device is in EZ mode). However, on the first time it does that, the bulb goes out of ez mode, just like my successful plugs. The nodeMCU in this is running 1.60 firmware. I found this out by adding it to tuya to check if it was a defective bulb, but it paired and worked fully. Should I just wait until there is an update to tuya-convert (which will hopefully work on 1.60), or should I just use my “Alexa as man in the middle integration” where for every automation I will create a simulated alexa switch/contact combo that will trigger an alexa routine when turned on. I would like to avoid soldering and just go with the alexa integration if OTA flashing is not possible. Lastly, just wondering, if I buy smart plugs that did work before, could this happen to them too?
P.S: im not worried about cloud vs local, I just would like a hubitat integration with a less than 1 second delay. Local integration is good, but not nessecary. This is why I am fine with the “Alexa in the middle” integration if this is impossible, but it would be better if tasmota would work.
Also, I know this hubitat forum has nothing to do with tasmota, but I couldn't find anywhere else to post it and was thinking that some owners of Hubitat would be tasmota savvy. Please tell me of any other place to post this which is a “tasmota forum” and I will happily post it there.