Tasker 6.2 Released

For those who use tasker, version 6.2 is now officially released

I have been using the beta version for some time now, particularly the HTTP Server option to be able to send HTTP requests directly to Tasker without the need for AutoRemote.


What are the advantages/disadvantages of using the HTTP request versus Join? I currently use Join for a few things.

The main one I think is that a HTTP request goes directly to Tasker, you don't need an extra add-on. You define the HTTP request as the trigger for a profile.

You can also send a response, although I can't say I looked into what is possible in that regard with the other apps.

I will still use AutoRemote I expect for some things, and have included both options in the Mobile Controller app I am building.

Very interesting. I was reading though the release notes and having a http server is very promising for those of us repurposing old phones. I have old moto Androids that do LANnouncer, etc and this would be cool for some local automations that hubitat can't do.

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Thanks to HTTP request I finally have a way of getting notifications to my phone without going through the cloud. There are some quirks with HTTP request because it won't work correctly if you send certain characters, such a colon : and other special characters.

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I'll have to test that in my app... How are you trying to send the notification message, as part of the body of the request?

I am able to include at least a colon when sending a HTTP Post from HE to Tasker, where the notification is the body of the request. I haven't tried to send it as JSON, just the plain text. I can then reference the %http_request_body in a Notify action. I do actually split the HTTP request body using a Variable split beforehand, as I include a title in the body as well, i.e. title||text.


In Tasker I have it receiving as a GET and when I send below, it will fail but removing the colon it works
http://{taskerIP}:1821//Notification?msg="Hello World. The time is HH:MM"

You would need to urlencode the URL I would think, if you want to do it that way, or at least use the right code for the colon. You should be able to construct a POST in RM, so I would think you could do the same thing I included in my previous post (as an edit to what I originally posted).

Or you could try my new app :slight_smile: . It's probably not quite ALPHA any more...

From what I can tell, %3A is the equivalent code for colon...

I use webCoRE and have a single piston that handles all notifications. It decides if connected to the internet it will send via Pushover, otherwise it sends to Tasker if my phone is connected to local WiFi. I have the piston configured to convert the troublesome characters and then convert them back in Tasker's Task.

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