Tabs vs Spaces

Another thread made me curious about the age old debate...


  • Tabs
  • Spaces

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But why fight when you can have either?


Just meant for humor @Ryan780

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I know....but I figured I'd be the peacemaker for a change. :clown_face:



I've been coding since I used 5 1/4" floppies to store code.. Back then whitespace mattered and that's how we were taught. It has just kinda stuck since.

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Spaces. :slight_smile:

I do too much python to give any other answer.

(yes, I know you can do tabs in python, but that is a a never ending cluster *** in my opinion and leads to nothing but trouble)

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I prefer tabs converted to spaces on save. Each darn editor seems to have their own defaults that drive me crazy. I about 10 years ago I settled on spaces with 4 spaces per tab.

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Ok Dad (sorry, couldn't resist) :rofl:


I will turn this hub around and go straight home!!! :wink: :rofl:


I welcome any and all whitespace!

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No tabs or spaces. For that matter, no CRLF if you can put multiple commands on the same line. Most of my PCs only have 8,589,934,592 bytes of memory so we need to make code as efficient as possible. Screw readability!

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(shamelessly copied from the BrainF**K Wikipedia page - Hello World!)

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Gotta love obfuscated code. Programmers Quote: "If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read."


What is a tab, but a mere family of spaces.

—Aristotle’s thoughts on Syntax and Abbreviation (365 B.C.)

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Wow.. this is closer than I thought

I have not had a TAB in decades.
The same goes for FRESCA.



I use tabs... because I make sure my editor of choice (Notepad++) is configured to automatically put 4 spaces for tabs. So, both?

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When I’m coding I use tabs
Before release all my code gets all the tabs, line breaks & white space removed.
The code looks horrible then.
(But why should I make it easy to read or copy?) :crazy_face:

Now I wait for the complaints :slight_smile:



You are just "optimizing" for greater efficiency.. :rofl:

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