Sylvania Lightify Under-Cabinet Zigbee Question

my one still works fine.. i did remove all my syvalnia white tunable bulbs and they would repeat and then freeze up regularly screwing up the mesh..

i also recently replaced all my gardenspot outdoor bulbs as they were weak radios and since outdoors even plugged into a zigbee switch would regularly drop off the mesh..
I now use govee wifi garden devices integrated into hubitat with great sucess and no more drop offs.. the only thing they dont support that the gardenspot did was hardware fade up/down and through software is too inefficient (when fading by 1% increments) so i had to disable fade.

It is indeed a 120 Vac hardwired zigbee fixture, NOT a slave.

It paired right away, using the Advanced Zigbee CT Bulb driver

Controller Type ZGB

endpointId: 03
model: LIGHTIFY Under Cabinet TW
application: 01
firmwareMT: 110C-001F-01020492
softwareBuild: 01020492
manufacturer: OSRAM

It has ports to daisy-chain additional fixtures, and comes with one connector cable but it simply passes the mains through these ports UNswitched by zigbee. Any fixtures downstream are just using it for a power source.

Heh, the box references Iris and says you can pick up other sizes of this fixture at Lowes.