Switches for multi-gang boxes?

I currently have a location I'd like to add two sets of controlled light switches (two switches in a 2-gang box). I'm looking for recommendations on the best switches to get - don't really care whether zigbee or zwave. I currently use a few of both items in my house.

The only controlled switch I currently use is a GE ZWave switch in our kitchen. It's working great. But I also know there are some cheaper options out there...

I just need switches with local and wireless control - no dimming needed.

I just ordered a few of these, although I haven't received them yet. They are supposed to be smaller both in depth and width (no tabs to remove for multi-gang boxes).

You could get a dual relay.

Will be interested in how these new GE switches work for you. I've been looking at them as well to outfit my place. The size difference will be huge. Hope they integrate nicely.

I was going to link to the quibino too. That is a really good price too (with the $10 off). The other option you might want to look at is the shelly 2. Very similar to the Quibino but wifi and a bit cheaper.

Thanks, I hadn't even thought about a relay setup like the Quibino. That's probably what I'll go with - ends up half the price of individual zwave switches.

Question on it - the manual says to "ask support" about using it with CFLs. One of the lighting circuits I want to run does have some CFL bulbs. What's up with the asking support? Something I should be concerned? Easy answer would be just replace them with LED bulbs I guess :slight_smile:

One more question on the relay modules, since I've only used the GE toggle-type switches.

If the physical switch is on, I assume the zwave side can override that and turn the lights off. Can the switch then be turned off and back on to turn the light back on? I'd think so (it'd need to for any level of WAF)

I've recent switched from an ancient X-10 environment to Hubitat. I came across The Smartest House and have been very impressed by them. I've been using some of their Zooz house brand switches and sensors and all have worked great out of the box. I did have some questions early on and support responded in near realtime. "Ask Support" was not shorthand for "we can't explain it". It was "if there is anything we can do to help, we're here for you - just ask". Good luck!

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@tim: If the Qubino are anything like the Monoprice dual relay ones I have, then yes, you can control it either way. If on from the z-wave, the physical switch will turn it off. If on from the switch, you can turn it off with the z-wave... however you want. I have one dealing with a bathroom fan and it's lighting. They are very small and pretty easy to hook up. I wish they were still sold.

Enerwave also has a comparable-looking model (ZWN-RSM2-PLUS) that is selling in a 2 pack for $65 on Amazon.

So this should allow me to control a 3 way and. 4 way switch in a 2 gang box and help me get the z-Wave around an elevator shaft which is blocking a GE switch that is in my garage?

You're right, the Smartest House support is on top of things! Got a reply this morning that the issue is inductive loads like CFLs can damage the Qubino module. They asked what my total watts on each circuit would be so they can check if it'll handle it long term.

FYI, here's their response:

The Qubino Double Relay can handle 4A at a time, total. In our experience, anything over 30W of LEDs on one of the 2 relays can damage the unit over time. The same would apply for CFL bulbs, so if the actual wattage of the four CFLs exceeds 30W we wouldn't recommend using them with this device. However, 20W of LEDs on each relay should work fine.

That doesn't seem like much power handling for LED or CFLs... anyone have any experience to agree/counter this? I'd be running more LEDs than that on mine, so if it's really too much I will look into something else.

That does seem extremely low. The Monoprice ones were 550W max resistive load. Even splitting that (assuming that was total for the 2 relays) and counting it as much lower makes it able to handle much more. Their ratings also seem odd because 4A of 110VAC would be 440W... so if it starts suffering damage from less than 10% of that...

Wow thanks for catching this and making me reread the manual. The switches that I want to extend and control one has garage lights and that is not going to work at 4A.

I didn't check directly with Qubino but on Amazon, the double relay shows as

Model Number: ZMNHBD3
Z-Wave Signal Frequency: 908.42 MHz
Power: 110-240V / 12-24 VDC
Maximum (Resistive) Load for 110VAC: 2 x 920W / 4A
Maximum (Resistive) Load for 24VDC: 2 x 96W / 4A
Power Consumption: 0.4 W
Z-Wave Range: Up to 130 feet line of sight
Operating Temperature: 14-104° F (0-40° C)
Installation and Use: Indoor only
Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.4" x 0.6"
Weight: 1 oz

I think folks might want to look further before deciding.

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