Switch toogle in infinite loop

I want to be able to set a (virtual) switch to either on/off when i press a button = if button 3 pressed and switch on - set it to off / if button 3 pressed and switch off - set it to on.
I belived toggle would toogle the switch once, but the switch keeps going back and forward between on and off.
How would I do that?

I think you should rebuild the 'Knap: Farvel's....' part. I would delete the condition and start over for that line

On HE this should 'pushed', not sure what taps is....

Or you can show logs....

The button is a Xiaomi-button. It supports pushed (button 1 and 2), but doesn't react to pushed (3).
The "taps" just means "tapped 3 times" and works.
I don't know what I just did, but now it works. sorry for the inconvenience.

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