Swidget AQI driver


Novice user here. My apologies if this is in the wrong place or poorly considered.

I'm looking to automate a basement fan using a Swidget switch with the Z wave Air Quality insert.

What I'm finding, so far, is that I can't link the insert to the Swidget App (checking with Swidget) and I can't get the AQI information in the existing Swidget (Zwave multisensor) driver.

As a novice user, I'm not capable of writing code but I have added custom drivers before (much to my amazement) thanks to the work of you more sophisticated users.

I did find a "virtual device" AQI driver (Ramset) and it does have the correct AQI scales ,but unfortunately, it's not clear to me how to use it without the App working The device is installed and working using the above-referenced driver (minus the AQI info)

Sorry if this seems a bit silly but I'm thinking that perhaps maybe I could hire one of you to write a driver to include the AQI info?

Thanks for your help!

Tim Faber

I have not yet installed my Swidget device, but the process should be:

  1. Pair the device to Hubitat
  2. After it is paired, go to the device details page and make sure the driver being used is the Swidget driver. Hubitat recently released those. I'd select the MultiSensor option. If the Multisensor driver does not yet have AQI my guess is that feature is not yet enabled on HE but is probably coming...


Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I've done that and it is working, with the Swidget driver, and reporting several things, just not AQI.

Best Regards,


Just got this back from Swidget

Jeremy (Swidget)

Jun 10, 2024, 2:22 PM EDT

Hello Tim,

Hubitat just recently released drivers for Swidget products but it seems like they have not yet implementing Air Quality capabilities. We're working with Hubitat to have them include these in future updates but we don't have a timeline from them yet.

I've added a note to this ticket to reach out to you when Hubitat releases a driver which exposes AQ endpoints.

Kind regards,

1 Like

Hello Jeremy,

Just realizing I had not replied to your post. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the info, very helpful and I appreciated the offer on the followup


This thread is very confusing. I don’t know who’s responding to whom.