Support of OTA firmware updates for Z-Wave / Z-Wave Plus devices

Just tried this on 2 different PCs. Forced the driver install, opened Z-Flash, selected the USB stick on Com3, clicked enabled - and nothing populates.

You have to add it to the He network. Go into HE and select discover devices. Then on your stick put it into pairing mode. Then your entire network of devices will show up and you can do whatever you want with it.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am using the HE zwave USB stick.

You should see the devices then.

For those that added a Z-Stick as a secondary controller to Hubitat... 2 questions:

  1. Do you leave it included in the Hubitat network at all times, or do you exclude it when done? If you leave it included, but powered down, does that cause issues?

  2. To include it as a secondary controller, did you just use the Zensys Tool and put it in learning mode, and then include on Hubitat? Or other?


  1. I leave it included. Powered down doesn't matter. Secondaries are not expected to be Fixed location in the Mesh.

  2. I personally use OZWCP for the include, but as luck would have it, I did one using Zensys Tools last week. Yes, you enter Learn on Zensys and then Discover Devices on Hubitat.

I have two hubs and decided to backup the 2nd stick... I had just been updating some Aeon devices and therefore was already in Windows / Zensys Tools. Would have taken a whole 8 mins more to switch to OZWCP :smiley::smiley:

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Does anyone know where I can find the latest firmware for DZ6HD-1BZ?

I got my zstick added as secondary last night. Pretty simple - thanks!

I didn't have a lot of time to look, but there were a few interesting/unexpected things in the routing info in Zensys that I need to think on... Surprising considering how many zwave plus hard wired devices I have.

I'm not having any zwave issues, so it may be academic, but it is interesting nonetheless.

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Here you go.

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Can someone tell me how to join a zwave stick to HE as a secondary controller? I have a zooz S2 stick that I bought to do some firmware updates on the Leviton plugs but I don't know how to get it connected to HE.

You add the Zooz S2 the same as any other ZWave device. The fact that it knows it's a Controller determines that it Joins as a secondary. The process is the same however. Put Hubitat into Discover and then do whatever the Zooz needs to enter Include. Being black, I can't determine from photos if it has a button, don't see one. I can't tell if it has a battery like the Aeon ZStick. You'd need USB power and some software, like OZWCP or Zentools to "push the button" if it doesn't have one. That would make the Zooz process the same as the Nortek UZB, since it too doesn't have battery or button.

Not sure if this will help you.

I wish they just made the FW available for people to consume. Asking for firmware revisions is painful.


GE really needs to get on board, they are not even providing firmware to companies like Homeseer.

Maybe there aren't any firmware updates NEEDED on the GE devices... All of the devices I have work work no obvious issues...

Apparently there's updated firmware for the older non-Plus GE switches that would make them report status. I called and asked if they would send it to me, they said no. I asked if I could send my devices in and have Jasco flash them, and they said no to that as well.

Yeah, that's kinda lame.

I believe there was also some things like double tap that did not work on the older firmware of even the Z-Wave plus models. The Z-wave plus spec has OTA updates, so there is no reason that GE shouldn't provide some way of updating the device. At the very least allowing you to send it to them

There is one reason ---- MONEY!

Perhaps they'd prefer people by their latest products instead of updating their old ones?

Or they help convince people who have 40+ devices to switch to Lutron instead :rofl: