Support for Bond hub

Updating to 1.3.3. fixed it. Dev 680 was one of my four fans. I would get those errors anytime I pushed a button on remote I use to control each fan to turn on the light for one of the fans. I use Eria Dimmers for 3 of them and an RGB Genie Controller for 4th.

Thank you!!


What does this mean in the logs? I turned on logging when having previous problem and just noticed this message flooding the logs:

App 399 is the Bond Home Integration

HE polls bond every 30 seconds (configurable) to get the fan status. That’s what you’re seeing there. 2 msgs every 30 seconds. I assume you have two fans? It’s working as expected but I’d turn the logging off.

Thank you. I actually have 4 fans.

Hmm maybe two were on at that time?

Had a question about the app as it's used elsewhere in Hubitat and could use some help. First of all, app works great, thank you very much @dman2306! I can control my fans/lights correctly from the device controls.

I was trying to set up a button/action in Rule Machine that would activate only the light on one of my fans added with this app. My fan is "on" already, so the device has power, but I'd like a switch in the same room to turn on all lights (including the fan light) when I double-tap its "on" button. Ideally, when I double-tap the "on" button again on that switch, I'd have the rule machine turn off all lights. The fan would still stay on, however.

My fan/light is currently added as a "Bond fan" for the parent device and a "Bond Fan Timer Light" for the child. I can't seem to get anything to act on the Bond device from outside of the device controls. Having a button try and "toggle" or "turn on" the child light device doesn't seem to work.

Would some sort of log help? Sorry for being noob-ish on this stuff.

Thank you!

That should work. RM just calls the same function as when you click the button on the device page. Are you getting any errors when your rule tries to turn on the light? If something is broken the logs should provide some clues about what's going on.

Thanks for the reply. I was looking at my logs (turning on debugging on a few things)...probably something outside of this app. I don't seem to register "double tap", "press" or "hold." My switch just turns on or off (I have a GE motion switch). I might need to get something that lets me add functionality to my buttons so I can use rules and whatnot. I'll keep poking around and will come back if I can finally see the rule firing or attempting to fire and I still have issues.

I suspect you need to use a different driver for your switch. Try searching but if that doesn’t work I’d post a thread about it people are unlikely to notice that question hidden in this one.

Sorry to go a little off topic, here, but given there's a bunch of fellow Bond users I was hoping to get some quick help. Can someone tell me how to move from the old to new Bond app? The new Bond Home app wants me to hit the reset button on the Bond and I wanted to confirm that won't result in my current fans/setup in the old app being deleted. Or do I just have to start over? Again, apologies for thread-abuse.

Unfortunately I did it so long ago that I don’t remember! If no one responds you might want to post on the bond forum. They’re pretty responsive there.

Thanks, I've done so. The activity level there is frighteningly low.

Thanks for your work here, I will be making use of this as soon as my new hub arrives. :slight_smile:

@bond-jacob and @bond-merck sometimes check these forums. Let’s see if they respond!

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@bond-merck replied promptly on the Bond forum - just using the paper-clip press until the bond light turns green worked to add it to the new app and retain all my fans/setup. As I said to Merck, all my fans are belong to me! :wink:

Now I just have to wait for my HE hub...

Very cool they have a Bondhome Pro out now see here.

I was told by their online chat team a couple of days ago that this was for "pro" installers only. Do you know if this is (or will be) available to end users?

No idea. hopefully they do release it to general public because I'd buy one.


@dman2306, thanks for all the work you have put into this integration. I am new Bond and HE user. I just moved into a new home with a 6 speed Minka Aire fan. In the Bond app the speeds show up as numbered buttons 1-6 just like the Minka Aire remote. In HE, I see only 5 speeds as follows:
Low = 1
Medium-Low= 2
Medium = 3
Medium-High = 5
High = 6

As luck would have it, 4 is our top preferred speed. I don't need 5 & 6 if there is an easy way to make Medium-High 4 or cover all 6 speeds?

@dman2306 - I'm not sure if this is an ABC but controller question or a bond integration question. But that I'd start here to rule this side out.

Does your driver support cycling through fan speeds? There's an option to do that in the ABD button control app, but it doesn't seem to work for me at all.

Could you take a picture of the app properties (shown when you click the gear icon for the app)? I’d like to see how many speeds the app is detecting. It should support all 6.