Sunshine Protection Act


Fingers crossed!


. its been tried multiple times in various states and always reversed. Figures senate would not research this before passing it

Similar changes have been discussed in the UK over the years to do away with BST (British Summer Time). However, the idea always gets thrown out, due to the negative impact on some in Scotland.

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DST/BST is such a stupid idea. It gets dark in winter - get used to it


The most amazing thing is that, finally, they all agree on SOMEthing. We really do need to do away with this time change mess. I always feel out of sorts for a week or so after.

As much of an inconvenience that it introduces, including in IT, part of the reason, as I see it, is we live our lives and run our economies based on the time of day, i.e. the hours, .minutes and seconds we impose. Can't offer any suggestions, just an observation....

I will be celebrating in the street if this passes the house and the president signs.


I was freed from the DST ritual for 2 years when we lived in AZ. Having tasted that sweet simplicity, it annoys me even more now.

The idea of year-round DST appeals to a lot of people because they associate DST with the arrival of spring, the flowers blooming, and a glorious "extra hour" of sunlight. This bill is entitled "Sunshine Protection Act."

Oh geez. This bill is insane. It is apparently not clear to everyone that legislation cannot affect the sun or how much sunlight is in a day, or the tilt of the earth. Having DST year-round is logically equivalent to not having DST at all. Cut a foot off the top of the blanket and sew it onto the bottom. Or don't. It doesn't matter.

That's not to say that I like the twice a year DST ritual either. It is archaic and comes from a time when work and school schedules were so fixed to the time of day that simply adjusting the time of day that we do stuff was impractical. Instead of making DST year-round, leave time in its logical division of the rotation of the earth. Then society does things such as having earlier church services at 10 AM in the summer, or work schedules that are, you know, flex. Cows don't need to look at a clock to tell them to get up earlier in the summer. Neither do we.

No one ever proposes year-round DST in the winter.


I am old enough to remember when we tried this back in the 70s during the Arab Oil Embargo. It was supposed to be a way to save energy. In December, kids were going off to school in complete darkness. Parents did not want their kids standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus to pick them up, so they drove their kids to school. So much for saving energy.

It is not too bad for those who live on the eastern end of a time zone, but for those living on the western end, especially in northern states like North Dakota, it is a real problem. In Bismark, ND on December 21, sunrise is at 8:25 CST. That would be 9:25 DST.


We used to run our lives and economies based on the diurnal rhythm - wake up when the sun came up and go to bed when the sun goes down. The construct of DST is only just over a 100 years old and is part of humankind trying to enforce itself on nature (like with calendars & hours, which then require leap years/seconds to keep in lockstep with nature). All of these cause more problems than they solve, but humans are too arrogant to be controlled, they must control :wink:
I've read that the Monday after DST there are more car accidents and heart attacks than on a normal Monday :roll_eyes:

I've worked for 37+ years in Airline IT, and DST is not so much of a problem. All the systems run on GMT/UTC (with an offset for each specific carrier). No airlines change their schedules for DST (a flight takes off at 07:00 whether it's dark or not) and almost no commercial airports are open at 02:00 when the wall clocks change, so it's never really an issue. The only change needed is possibly an arrival time update if the departure/arrival airports are in timezones that introduce DST on different dates (or one doesn't use DST).

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Indiana currently observes DST, but there was a time when it did not. Many people called it "Indiana Slow Time" as they were on the same time as Ohio and Michigan part of the year and on the same time as Illinois part of the year. I used to travel frequently to Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. It was a nightmare figuring out appointment times and airline timetables. I always had to remember if Indiana was on Eastern time or Central time.

The time changes are problematic for any operations that function 24/7. When you fall back, the night shift has to work an extra hour. When you spring ahead, the night shift loses an hour's pay.

That's exactly what I meant. I'm pretty sure that the Flight that left Indiana at 7am on a Monday continued to do so - I don't know of any airlines that would start changing flight departure times to match DST. Whether that 2-hour flight still landed at 9am is completely beyond the airline's control.

Many international airlines do operate 24x7, but they depart only on local time. Not many airports are open between midnight and 5am due to local noise restrictions. So BA for example might well have a Sydney-London flight taking off at 2am London time, at the exact time British Summer Time kicks in, but that doesn't matter because it's going to be 1pm local Sydney time when the flight departs, and the BA systems run on GMT.

After reading all of this about the time change I have decided the only thing that matters to me is it's time for a drink.