Sunset Rule Machine Rule Not Triggering

I'm setting up Rule Machine Rule-5.1 rules and having an issue where any rule I create using sunset time never gets trigger.

I created a test rule that removed every other criteria other than sunset.

It's showing sunset calculated correctly.

I've checked location events and it's updating sunset site every day at the right time.

This is what I see for scheduled jobs. I'm not sure why it's showing midnight or if that's the issue or just when it's supposed to calculate it's next run.

I'm at a loss to figure out what's wrong. This rule is not triggering at any time of day(the light I set it at is normally off so I'd notice).

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to try next?


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Does the Schedule change if you click on “Update Rule” or “Done”? What platform version are you on?

The Next Run Time changes by a couple seconds and the Schedule changes.

I'm on Platform Version:

Does the issue remain if you update to the latest release version?

I updated the Platform Version and to the latest Rule Machine version. I then clicked update rule and got this.

Hopefully that means it should run tonight. I'll check in 4 hours to see what happens.

Thanks for your help.

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Looks like it should. You can also turn on logging to see the results in the logs in case it doesn’t work as expected.

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