So, none of my time based Rule fired today. This is the first time I have been home since having a lock-up two days ago. There have been no firmware updates so I don't know why I would need to go into every rule again and save them.
Can someone PLEASE!!!!! tell me why this is happening?!?!? This is starting to get a little ridiculous. I'm only home two days a week. If it takes me 2 days to recover the hub every week then this system isn't much good for me.
And I'm sorry, you folks are going to have to come up with a better way of refreshing the rules than going into every one and clicking done. I have 147 rules now. That alone takes an hour.
Mine hickup'd yesterday. I do not know why. Worked great today (this evening). Where is the sunset/sunrise information from? NWS goofed? East Coast USA here. Inquiring minds want to know!
I believe UTC is synced when you register then the offset is applied when you select a timezone. Sunset and Sunrise times must come from a weather source but I don't know the exact server they use.