Sunset action did not trigger today (post Spring Forward)

You should see Sunrise Time and Sunset time in the System Events log.

Yes, I've confirmed it's off an hour.

Are your latitude and longitude correct? My times are correct so this looks like it is your situation.

They were correct at some point, as the rule worked the day before. When I hit update on that location, I did not notice if latlong changed, but the time did update.

What's not entirely clear to me is if this is an issue handling DST, an issue with the hub's location corrupting, or a combination of both.

I seem to recall there was some issue with the selection of the time zones.

My zone shows as US Eastern and my clock reset, the modes changed correctly, and the lights went on (and off) correctly BUT my mode changes and lighting rules are all related to sunrise/sunset not specific times . . .

Sunrise and sunset time are local so you can an easily be hour (sun time) away from the where the timezone begins.

That's what I was thinking. The fact that mine worked, based on sunrise/sunset, may not really help diagnose the problem if the problem was specific to a set time.

Except that a fixed time is a fixed time. It doesn't matter whether it is Daylight or not. You don't go to work an hour earlier or later.

It all depends on your frame of reference! Is it your clock/watch? Or is it the Sun and the Earth?

If you set an exact time in a rule, the hub should not add or remove an hour at with a savings time change. If you use an alarm clock you may change the time, but you don't adjust the alarm.

People should check that their latitude and longitude are correct.

My longitude and latitude settings are correct.

Everything was working fine until the time change.

Of course this only effects my sunrise sunset rules.

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Mine is correct and has been since I setup my hub and I also experienced issues with Sunrise/Sunset(+/-) in my routines. Setting exact times obviously works, but the calculation of Sunrise/Sunset in relation to DST has some sort of issue in HE. My feeling is that Sunrise/Sunset might be cached within the apps themselves. For instance, mode manager, which I have set to change to "Home - Early Morning" at Sunrise -60 has failed to fire two days in a row now. My feeling is not so much the hub itself but the apps as it seems that they all cache their own values. That's evident when you change a device name or label and the apps don't reflect that change until you actually dig into the details for said apps.

@bravenel Feel free to correct if I am wrong on that assumption.

As a developer and sysadmin that has to deal with Arizona time (my employer and all our systems are in Phoenix), trust me when I say that DST is the bane of my existence compared to other states that do observe DST.

Just reporting back.

I had GMT+5 set. Once I changed it to the location, and updated. The time is right now.

Looks like it was my fault?

GMT+5? Was that intentional? AFAIK, GMT+5 doesn't observe DST, so it would affect your sunrise/sunset times.

Yeah, my fault.

LOL. I've done worse. :slight_smile: I once set one of my database servers at work to NZDT without thinking about it. That was fun trying to explain.

No, but there is some platform level issue that is not right. Sunrise and Sunset are fired from system events, not stored in the apps.


Ok. Thanks.

The sysadmin nerd factor in this thread is amazing. :+1:

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I took a look at the TZ choices, too.

Right now, I'm set up for US/Eastern - which is probably what my problem was (did not observe DST?). But there's also SystemV/EST5EDT (this gave me a 500 response when trying to save), and also just plain old EST5EDT, America/New York, etc.

It looks like there's a multitude of TZ formats in play here.

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