Sunrise/Sunset time wrong

Hmm. This is very interesting.
We went through a DST change last weekend here in the UK and I didn't see any issues. (We were away until Wednesday though and everything was working as it should when we got home).

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Check that. I ended up rebooting my hub as well.

DST is the bane of home automation.


We flipped into Summertime in AUS, a couple of weeks back and HE had handled it perfectly

Somebody please check this: It looks like setting the time zone to EST on the location tab sets the sunrise and sunset times correctly. Setting the time zone to US/Eastern results in them being an hour off.


Yep. That's another temporary workaround. Actually, that fix is good until the Summer!:smile:

The Hubitat team will get this resolved soon enough. Give them a day of rest. :wink:


Well deserved.

Posted all was earlier, now not so much.

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Wait until the Y3K bug hits!


Found the issue,
We calculate sunrise and sunset at 12:01am everyday and we correctly adjust for daylight savings transitions at that time.

However if you reboot your hub or change the, lat/long, we recalculate the sunset and sunrise times. On the day of transition only after the transition has occurred we end up miscalculating the times.

You should reset your timezone back to the correct one and it should calculate the right sunrise/sunset time tomorrow. There will be a fix for this in the next release.


Man I love not changing times. AZ in the house! :rofl::rofl:


Sure enough, after 12:01 AM today (the day after DST ended), my hub is again showing the correct sunrise/sunset times for my location (with the correct timezone). Good to know we won't have this problem again next spring (or fall...and we didn't last spring, either, but I think that was before they made the sunrise/sunset and/or DST calculations local rather than cloud or however it worked before).

All is looking correct with the times here on the East Coast now.

Much weirdness with my setup. I'm located in MA and HE location info showed correct sunrise and sunset times Sunday morning when I checked.

I have a simple lighting rule that turns on 2 lights at sunset and off at sunrise. Last night at 7PM(ish) I noticed the outside lights weren't on. I checked the logs and there were 2 entries indicating that both lights had been turned on at 4:33 which is the correct sunset time. I deleted the simple lighting rule looked OK but I deleted, recreated it and manually turned the lights on.

This morning, I got up at 6AM and noticed the lights were off. Looking at the log, there were 2 entries indicating the lights had been turned off at 5:23 an hour BEFORE actual sunrise.

The ON/OFF times should correct in the next cycle if their not on schedule. However, if you changed the location (wrong advice on my part is seems. Sorry about that), then click "Update" in Location to make sure the Sunrise/Sunset times are now correct.

In my case, I never changed locations so I would have expected this morning's event to be correct. What's puzzling is that the sunrise time is listed correctly on the Edit location page, but was calculated incorrectly according to the log.

I'll wait and see what happens with my simple lighting rule tonight and tomorrow AM.

Hey Chuck!! We gotta get together so you can tell me about this Hubitat.

  • Ty

I have a few lights controlled by RM rules designed to be restricted between Sunset/Sunrise. They were working fine before the Time Change. I understand the FirstDayAfterTimeChange effect, but yesterday and today, the rule starts correctly at Sunset but runs after Sunrise despite the restriction. I know it’s stupid of me, but I haven’t checked for how long the rule runs. I would assume an hour too long. (duh) Anyway, checking this morning, in location I see Pacific and Pacific New. I was on Pacific, and am now on Pacific New. I’ll see what happens tomorrow. What is the difference between Pacific and New Improved Lower Calorie Pacific?

Open the rule and hit Done. That will reset it's schedules and should fix things for you.

I’ll do that. Thanks.