After tonight DST change, sunrise / sunset time is 1 hour earlier in my hub settings, then it supposed to be.
Same here, looks like it hasn't updated to reflect DST
Mine, also in Chicago has it correct but I'm set to Central not Chicago?
US/Eastern is OK (using Fahrenheit for temperatures)
All OK here in NC as well.
Try rebooting you hub and see if still fine after reboot. Mine was correct earlier this morning, but then I loaded last update...
Same here. I had a few rules that didn't fire through the night. When I checked the location page the sunrise/sunset times were off. I clicked update and they updated to the correct time. I'll hold off rebooting for now.
I rolled the dice and rebooted and BADNESS. Sunrise is off by the hour now. Is strange because if you look in the Location Events, it appears that the correct times were pulled?
I'm on mountain time, south of Denver and my times are off by an hour as well. I've tried rebooting and using the update button in the location page but my times are still 5:30am/3:55pm instead of 6:30am/4:55pm.
Just checked mine: fine at first after the DST change (US Central), then I rebooted and it went an extra hour early here too.
I just installed .120 and my sunrise time on the location tab is showing an hour early - 5:39 instead of 6:39. I just rebooted to see if that would change it - it did not. I am in the U.S. Eastern time zone.
Yeah, I updated via browser time this morning just to be sure and it didn't change that. Hadn't looked at location. That was correct until I decided to click "Update", oops
I'm moving to Atlantic time for now
Use Canada/Atlantic until the issue is resolved.
I hadn't checked before installing .120 but looking at the location events it looks like it was correct this morning at sunrise (when I was still running .119):
sunrise true API 2018-11-04 06:39:00.036 AM EST
Thank You @SmartHomePrimer Good idea, works/worked for me for now.
Hmm. This is very interesting.
We went through a DST change last weekend here in the UK and I didn't see any issues. (We were away until Wednesday though and everything was working as it should when we got home).
Check that. I ended up rebooting my hub as well.
DST is the bane of home automation.
We flipped into Summertime in AUS, a couple of weeks back and HE had handled it perfectly