Sunrise +/- & sunset +/- How does this work?

OK, I'm confused as I have not seen any descriptions or documentation of how the (+/-) works with Sunrise and Sunset time arguments (or conditions, or whatever they are). Anyway, It would seem to me that "Sunrise + 15 minutes" could mean 15 minutes before sunrise OR 15 after Sunrise and the same for Sunset. Is the "+" mean that the TIME and then "add" 15 minutes (so 15 minutes after sunrise) or is it the opposite and it means 15 minutes before sunrise?

I want to be sure that I understand this correctly so I can set my triggers to operate properly and "as expected".

Thanks in advance.

Norbert Davis

This is correct.


AWESOME!! Thank you. Now I will make myself a sticky note so I do not get confused the next time I use it. I believe I have some automations to correct. LOL

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Does this help?

This is more of what I was wanting:

Being specific in the "app" with relevance to before or after sunrise/sunset is the clearest and least confusing way, in my opinion, of presenting it to Hubitat users who are less technical and makes it more user friendly. The "offset" term is a little bit confusing (not a whole lot, but just enough ambiguity to scramble my brain, lol).

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