Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug? The rule runs at Sunrise not 30 mins before
So while the Sunrise -30 didn't work yesterday the rest of the rule did. Today the rule crapped out once it had raised the level to 15% and never made it to 20% and never executed the last two commands.
What do you see in the eventSubscriptions on he rule's properties page? Do you see one of these:
I'm confused somewhat by your last 3 parts of the rule. So, you want to dim the lights up to 20 % over 20 minutes, then set them to 1500, then start fading up the CT? Why wouldn't you set the color temp and level to 1500 ,1 at the start, then fade up over 20 mins, then fade the CT? You have no idea what CT you're going to fade up to 20% with.
So two days in a row it didn't work and now works perfectly. No clue.
The color is set to an orange overnight. I've been playing around with when I want it to switch to CT.
My Sunrise +30 didn't work on motion lighting either. I have my outside light to turn off at sunrise +30 (which should have been gone 8am and instead it went off at 6am...I don't know if they are related