Suggestions for output on websockets

Hey HE guys,

So, I know the log and event web sockets are undocumented and all that, but I was wondering if you could maybe sneak in some enhancements/bug fixes?

For the event socket, hubId and locationId are always null. Could you add those values on the outbound socket? Or, is there a configuration in the hub that would allow hubId and locationId to be populated?

Also, would it be possible to stream out location and system events on the same socket or perhaps a third one for those events? Or, alternatively, could you maybe stream them out on the log socket?

Finally, if someone would provide me some details, I'd be happy to document the sockets and their usage (including code samples) on the wiki. I would just need some guidance on what you want published and what you don't.

I also have some Maker API enhancement suggestions.

  • Allow hub data to be exposed on the Maker API. Things like HSM status, current mode, and other state data? Perhaps using an endpoint like http://[hubitat_ip]/apps/api/37/hub/
  • Also a way to enumerate apps on the hub as well. I've kind of hacked a way to do this already by scraping the /installedapp/list URL, but I really don't want to do that long term.

Unfortunately, no. Not only is that undocumented it is also unsupported, it is for internal use and you can use it at your own risk due to the possibility of breaking changes being made to it to support our own processes.

We do have plans to create a supported websocket however as with all of our plans, there is no ETA


Thanks @chuck.schwer. I kinda figured that was the answer.

Have there been any discussions about making it official? Personally, this is the ONLY consumer hub that I have ever found that supports this out of the box (and one of my FAVORITE features of the hub).

I'll offer to support for you. LOL

You beat me to it!

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Thanks, we'll add this on our feature request list.


I give a strong "second" to the need for a proper (documented and supported) WebWockets interface!!