Is there any possibility to incorporate any functionality into Android Auto?
Possibly surfacing some devices (so you could, say, lock/unlock doors, arm/disarm, turn on outside lights, etc.)? Also, support notifications, etc.
Is there any possibility to incorporate any functionality into Android Auto?
Possibly surfacing some devices (so you could, say, lock/unlock doors, arm/disarm, turn on outside lights, etc.)? Also, support notifications, etc.
No plans at this time for Android Auto or Android Watch.
For iOS if you share the devices to Homekit they will then show up on CarPlay and an apple watch. For Carplay if you have the screen on the adaptive tile layout the garage door device will display automatically when you are close to home.
Does this not work if you share the devices to google home?
You can use a Google Assistant/Home Routine in Android Auto. You can add it as a shortcut to your car's screen, too. In the case of unlocking doors or opening a garage door, you may have to have the Routine flip a virtual switch and then control the lock or garage door with a rule based on the switch. You can still use "Hey Google, unlock the door" as your Routine trigger, though.
@jpage4500 added android auto support for his hd+ app / dashboard. Works really well.