Suggest providing better info when z-wave is misbehaving

Documentation suggestion: When I look at z-wave documentation, I see info on repairing z-wave, but nothing on what the first step should actually be when in trouble, which seems to be: shut down hub, power off for several minutes, plug back in.

I ended up going through a few unnecessary steps figuring out what was going on with my formerly well-behaved z-wave mesh, when I finally found on the discussions lots of comments about shutting down the hub. Info like this in the documentation could help some people.

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This information has been added to:

This document has also now been linked to from the one you linked to above (which I believe -- it pre-dates me -- exists as something to collect all the documentation required for certification, which are not always things normal end users may find useful -- but should be up-to-date as well, and maybe this link will help).


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