Stuck trying to implement a new Virtual Device

I've written a Dew Point application that seems to work fine. I verified its function using the built in "Virtual Temperature Sensor" to display the results.

Now I'm trying to add a "Virtual Dewpoint Sensor" so I can make a dashboard tile that can use attribute ability.

Although the

Virtual Dewpoint device is loaded in with the devices code.
And it can be seen when trying to add a virtual device
And I used the Discover Virtual devices capability

I still get an error saying this virtual device cannot be found in the hubitat namespace.

I'm hoping there is a small syntax or spelling error but I cannot find it. Perhaps another set of eyes can see it. Or perhaps I have some basic approach misunderstanding.


App code:

Dew Point App V002

    Think we don't need to store the lastTEMP and lastHUMID.  We can just read them when we need to make a calc.
2020-07-20 (open) added Virtual DewPoint Calc device to display the below results.


    name: "DEW Point Calculator",
    namespace: "hubitat",
    author: "JohnRob",
    description: "DEW Point Calculator",
    category: "Convenience",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "")

preferences {
    page(name: "mainPage")

def mainPage() {
    dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: " ", install: true, uninstall: true) {
        section {
            log.debug ("   25   beginning of section")
            input "thisName", "text", title: "Name this DEW Point Calculator", submitOnChange: true
            if(thisName) app.updateLabel("$thisName")
            input "tempSensor", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Select Temperature Sensor", submitOnChange: true, required: true, multiple: false
            input "humidSensor", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: "Select Humidity Sensor", submitOnChange: true, required: true, multiple: false
            log.debug ("  30   end of section")
        } // section
    }   // dymanicPage
}   // mainPage

def installed() {

def updated() {

def initialize() {
    log.debug ("  45   begin initialize")

    def dewpointDev = getChildDevice("DEWPoint_${}")
    if(!dewpointDev) dewpointDev = addChildDevice("hubitat", "Virtual DewPoint", "DEWPoint_${}", null, [label: thisName, name: thisName])
    subscribe(tempSensor, "temperature", handlerTEMP)
    subscribe(humidSensor, "humidity", handlerHUMID)

    state.lastHUMID = 50        // these are in the app and will not display in the child
    state.lastTEMP = 50     //  50/50 DEWPoint = 32

def calcDEW() {
    def dewpointDev = getChildDevice("DEWPoint_${}")
    log.debug "  56 state.lastTEMP ${state.lastTEMP}"
    log.debug "  57 state.lastHUMID ${state.lastHUMID}"
    operandHUMID = state.lastHUMID.toDouble()
    operandTEMP = state.lastTEMP.toDouble()
    def dewPoint = (operandTEMP - (9 / 25) * (100 - operandHUMID))
    log.debug "   62  dewPointI =     ${dewPointI}"

def handlerHUMID(evt) {
    state.lastHUMID = evt.value
    log.debug " 65 last Humidity = ${evt.value}"

def handlerTEMP(evt) {
    state.lastTEMP = evt.value
    log.debug " 71 last Temperature = ${evt.value}"

//  --- eof ---

Virtual Device Driver Code:

// V0.01  Virtual Dew Point Device

metadata {
    definition (name: "Virtual DewPoint", namespace: "JohnRob", author: "several") {
        capability  "Sensor"
        command     "setDewPoint", ["NUMBER"]   // this will be a method.  [] may cause an input box to be created must test.
        attribute   "DewPoint", "Number"      // this will go into the Hub database

    preferences {       // These become entries in the "device" page to ask us for our preferences!
        input name: "txtEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging", defaultValue: true

def installed() {
    log.warn "installed..."

def updated() { "updated..."
    log.warn "description logging is: ${txtEnable == true}"

def parse(String description) {
}       // basically useless.  Included because it is included in the template.

def setDewPoint(dewpoint) {
    log.debug "   29  dewpoint =   ${dewpoint}"
    def descriptionText = "${device.displayName} was set to $dewpoint"
    if (txtEnable) "${descriptionText}"
    sendEvent(name: "DewPoint", value: dewpoint, unit: "°F", descriptionText: descriptionText)

In the above line of code, try changing the namespace from "JohnRob" to "hubitat"

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OR - you could probably change the "hubitat" in the above line of code to "JohnRob"

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