Stuck ghost device - Z-wave network busy message

Hey guys,

I was having a good bit of luck with my mesh lately, and I've been cleaning up "bad" connections. This has resulted in improved response times and devices now choose routes that make actual physical sense. This was all going well until tonight when I reset/re-includ a Zooz Zen 20 Power Strip. It failed to connect at all, seemingly, however it left a "ghost" device. This has happened to me before, and usually after a while the ghost will fail and I can simply remove. However- this one is not failing, and any action I take on it (from Z-wave setting page) results in "Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message". The rest of the mesh seems to be functioning OK, thankfully.

I've tried power-cycling the hub twice with no improvement. I've tried every button here without any luck either:

I just keep getting the busy message:

Any ideas on what else I can try?

Try powering down the hub, pulling the power at the outlet (not on the hub), wait about a minute and plug/start everything up again. This will perform a full reset of the Z-Wave radio.

What hub version do you have?

Make sure you've unplugged the power strip so that you don't have any power to it. Then you should be able to get a Remove button to appear (press the refresh button if it doesn't appear) in the Z-Wave details screen and then remove it using the Remove button

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Hi guys - I've power cycled the thing twice already. No dice. Thanks for the suggestion.
Edit to say I've tried the "remove" button several times as well. I factory reset the device and left it unplugged.
I have a C7

Just to be sure, you are trying to remove the ghost node at this point, right?

You want to make sure that the device that generated the ghost node is powered off - that might mean pulling the air-gap or powering off the breaker on the switch.

There are instances where it just won’t work. I had one of those and ended-up buying a UZB (USB Z-Wave) stick from I was able to remove it on the first try with the UZB stick.

Yes correct. I have factory reset and unplugged the device in question.

Another thing you can try before resorting to the UZB stick would be to put your Hub, router and computer on UPS and power down your house for a few minutes, pull batteries from all battery powered Z-Wave devices and try again. (In case something else is causing the issue.)

Alternatively, you could take your hub for a ride... Plug it to a battery powered device and plug your laptop to it and go far enough away in your car that it won’t connect to anything. Try to remove it again.

Note - I actually did those two things when I had a ghost that wouldn’t go away... but it didn’t work. Only the UZB did the trick.

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Those seem rather extreme... I'm going to try to disable one device that may be causing some interference, and do another power cycle. But from what I can tell the lock-up seems to be from within the C7.

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So I ended up uzing a Zooz z-wave stick as a secondary controller to just go ahead and get this out of the way. However, I did disable a dimmer switch that likes to cause problems, and your "take it for a ride" idea was what made me think of that. I now have the device connected and operational again. For now...

Thanks all for your help.



Glad you were able to fix the issue!

I have a ghost stuck in my C-7 hub and haven't be able to get rid of it? I have restarted my hub several times with the one minute wait and the 5 minutes waiting period and no luck? I also have hit Discover button and the Refresh and Repair and still no luck? I'm lost on how to get rid of it? Thanks for any help.

You are in the right screen to remove it, though there are some times where it can’t be removed from within the hub. I’ve had that happen once.

  1. From the screen you are showing, press on “Refresh” until a “Remove” button appears. It typically comes up after a couple of presses, but I have seen it reported that it can take much more than that. The device that caused it will need to be powered off. That is typically one of the following devices.
  2. If this is not possible, another alternative is to use a UZB stick (USB Z-Wave stick). I ended up having to do this in my case as mentioned above.
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@Sebastien thanks for the info I guess if I can't get it any other way I will have to go the USB Z Wave stick route. Thanks.

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In addition, you need to make sure that the device that the Ghost represents does not have power when you are trying to remove it. Usually the next device in the Z-Wave details list.

If it's a switch and has an air gap your can pull the air gap to kill power to the switch and then use Refresh until you get a Remove button and then use Remove.

You might have to flip a circuit breaker if you can't kill power to the device directly at the device.


Hey @danabw thanks I was just trying to figure which device it was, so your saying it usually the one next to the Ghost?

Yes...usually you are pairing a device and it doesn't complete properly - try again and it pairs, and the ghost is left behind from the initial bad pair. So usually the next device in the list.

Killing power keeps the hub from pinging it - as long as the hub sees it online it won't remove it.