Struggling to get started with Hubitat

I was going to mention that too :grin:, I was running octoprint on a pi model B for ages, it worked just fine unless you wanted to view the gcode progress then it would take forever to load if it was a large print (probable more a memory issue I suspect)

But back to OP - a pi zero should work ok if it only has homebridge on it.


I use the Ring and have the doorbell trigger an old Aeotec Siren.. The way I do it is use a product called Node-RED + a node (a plugin) which can trap Homebridge device events. I then have Node-RED activate the siren. All my rules are in NR rather than HE - for me I prefer the interface, flexibility and reduced hub overhead it gives me..

This is the Ring Doorbell in Homebridge

And this is my Node-RED "sequence". The "Front Door" node (orange box) waits for an event from Homebridge and when it triggers sends a message (object) down the wire to the next node, in this case a time-range node which won't let anything pass unless it's in a given time frame, if okay then the message travels to the "Living Room Door Chime" HE Command node (green box) which plays sound # 4 on my Aeotec Device (which is paired to HE). Works great!

Edit: I know this sounds complicated but it really isn't. Companion servers such as Node-RED and Homebridge augment the power of HE and provide additional flexibility and control. It is NOT for everyone though so ymmv.


100%. I will have to remember that phrase!


The HE equivalent of a power loader? (movie fans will know what I mean :wink:)

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Correct, you need the pro bridge 2. The one you're looking at doesn't support telnet which is how HE communicates with lutron. Liuke I said, Lutron just works (I have around 45 dimmers and switches and pico's). Lutron does have an on/off switch in their caseta line but that does require a neutral. Innovelli has one that does not. If you want to control smart bulbs with a smart switch use Innovelli as they can have the smart disabled so they don't interfere. If you can though I would return all those bulbs and start over.

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