Strange Pushover Response

I use Pushover to notify me of events. Works great. But something weird going on.

When I open my garage door I get a notification on my phone. Sound plus vibration and message.

When my mode changes I get a notification on my phone. Sound plus vibration and message.

That is exactly what is supposed to happen. But here is a scenario that is different.

Coming home my presence changes mode to home. Pushover does its thing just like above. About 30-60 seconds later I open garage door. I get vibration and message but no sound. This seems to be very consistent. Its almost like it can't make 2 sounds in a short period of time.

Anybody have any ideas on this?

Yah, I've had this happen and I think it's a limitation in the app. I use node red for my pushover notification and get the same thing if there is too much going on at once.

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Take a look at Pushover's Support. Their are a few things that you can try.

This one looks like it could be it:


[Edited to include my testing results]
As @april.brandt said their does seem to be a limitation if the messages are sent almost immediately, but within a couple of seconds I can send a message and send a new one after I hear the first and it seems to break them up and sent the alert sound for both. Also if the app is in the foreground I had to select the option I showed in the Summary above. 30-60 seconds though should come through with another sound from what I am seeing in my testing (On and Android) with the Play sounds in the foreground option enabled.


On iOS, my iPhone plays the Pushover notification sound for each and every event, as long as the Pushover App is not open in the foreground. I wonder if the issue is specific to Android devices?

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The only time I could get it to not play every event is if I sent several messages back to back (Less then a second or so between each), if spacing of a few seconds or more then I can hear every notification sound. Thinking that it is more likely that the OP has the app open in the foreground and just needs to check the option to Play sounds in foreground selected.

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The app is NOT open in the foreground, so I know that isn't the issue. This just started happening fairly recently, so I am thinking there is something that maybe changed in the latest Android update. I have checked all the obvious things, such as battery optimatization, overrides, etc. That is about the only time that I have more than one thing happening within minutes of each other that generate a notification. Since I get the notification, just no sound, it obviously isn't an HE issue. Which is good.

When I get some time I will do some experimenting.

if your in your car, your phone is not paired to the car killing audio is it? Mine works just like yours, however in the car since it has control I get no audio sound but everything else. My wife's phone makes the sound however since I'm primary in my car, but in her car its just the opposite

That's a very good point, @dpdurst! If arriving at home results in @j715's phone connecting to a Bluetooth device, the audio may be redirected to that Bluetooth device. For example, Bluetooth headphones sitting on the counter in the house...or a second car in the garage...or an Amazon Echo in the house...etc... My wife experiences the same issue in her car, as she typically does not have the Bluetooth input selected on the infotainment system, but her phone's audible notifications are still going to the car, instead of the phone's internal speaker... :thinking:

Good point, but not the case. I don't have my phone connected to car. Always had too many problems with that. So don't use it.

OK, figured it out. A few weeks ago I put in a Google Assistant routine to open the garage door. I just say 'OK Google [secret phrase]'. Apparently If I use that, pushover then doesn't make any noise. It appears that when Google assistant is open is the problem.

No big deal, just kind of annoying.

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Well, back to wondering. Google assistant doesn’t seem to be the issue. Still trying to figure out the pattern.