Strange Device Discovery Item

I started noticing this after adding a few devices.

It found something but it sits on "Initializing" forever and never ends. I tried adding another z-wave light switch and it never found that device. It just keeps showing this.

What shows up in your settings Z-Wave Information? Anything listed at node 11?

(hates to even say it) but have you tried rebooting and attempting to re-pair the device?

No, nothing shows up in Devices.

No, I have not rebooted today. And I have no idea which device it may be trying to add :slight_smile:

I’ll reboot and see…

Try Settings -> Z-Wave Information area. There is a table of Z-Wave devices the stick sees.

That's in the Z-wave Information area.

Yeah, it appears some device failed to pair. It will clean its self up over time.

Can you join new devices? You might need to exclude that one you are trying to add and try it again.

Just a strange behavior. I’ll try and figure out what device that may have been and do an exclude.

I also noted, there’s no logs at all for a z-wave repair. Any plans to add logging?

[EDIT]: the logging is not completely true. There is some logging in the logs under ALL. But it isn’t seperated so its hard to find/follow.

Yes, we plan to add Z-Wave logging in more detail, specifically on exclusion and repair events.

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I'm seeing this as well with an Aeon Multisensor 6.

It pairs when within 10 feet of the hub, but will not work when moved to the location it will be in (which also has a Jasco Z-Wave switch and works just fine). I've tried so many combinations of exclude/include with this. I've spent way too many hours try to be successful.

Found Z-Wave 2A. Initializing.. It never goes beyond that if I try to pair it where it will be (and that's if it even comes up at all in Device Discovery). I've tried going to Settings > Z-Wave Information and remove 2A as well. The sensor worked fine on the ST hub in it's current location.

I also had a couple of motion sensors and battery devices that would go in and out like that.

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