Strange "broken" Lutron Pico issue - mystery solved, but need Dr. Science to explain, please

Unfortunately for you I'm more afraid of disappointing my wife than I am of disappointing you. If I took that lamp apart and broke or lost something, well, let's just say "It would be bad" to quote the Ghostbusters. :wink:


Is the base shell ferrous metal? If not, see if a magnet is attracted to the β€œevil area”.
Try running a magnet around underneath.

Good idea, but it's 100% ferrous...magnet grabs it everywhere...

Also looked on the bottom and there isn't any screw(s) to access the interior, looks like it just glued together. So that's not happening.

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I was kind of thinking maybe where the cord comes in it has some sort of strain relief loop inside the base. That could create a tiny magnetic field. Maybe it is only looped on the one side where there is a problem.

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Definitely a Nortul Capacitor.

So you are going to disassemble the base then?. It's better to disappoint your wife than us bunch here I am sure.


Apologies to everyone, but the relationship math is not on your side. :rofl:


CT Scan?

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You wouldn't have this problem with a dashboard.... :wink: :grin: