Stelpro thermostat

Hello. I bought a wall fan heater with a built-in zigbee thermostat for the bathroom from the company Stelpro. I use Hubithing replica to control it. It works fine with my old Smartthings hub but not with Hubitat. Hubitat recognizes it as DEVICE but it is not possible to control it even with the drivers from @Mboisson. So can I hope that Stelpro thermostats could be natively supported by Hubitat? Thank you very much!

Have you tried the generic zigbee thermostat driver? (When changing any driver, after you click save, you MUST click configure)

Here is what I have tried since I saw your message. I deleted the device from Smartthings, restarted Smartthings. I tried 10 times to pair it again with Hubitat, impossible, it sees it but it does not complete the process. I restarted Hubitat, I reset the factory settings, cut the power to the thermostat at the electrical panel for 60 seconds, tried pairing again but still the same problem. I even brought the hub a few feet closer to the thermostat. I finally paired again with Smartthings, 2 seconds and bingo! So I reactivated HubiThings Replica, it works perfectly.

Platform Version
Hardware Version

Factory reset the device. Shut down and unplug your hub for at least 1 minute and power it back up. (not usually necessary for zigbee, but hey...) Make sure your smaty things hub is off. Try the pairing process. Use standard zigbee pairing

So, Hubitat hub recognized the device finally. Integration is done. I changed the driver to generic zigbee thermostat driver. I can't control the device.

Are you sure the pairing was fully completed ? Can you show us the device data section? You can try installing the Zigbee Map app and use the advanced device pairing mode - pairing to hub only or to a repeater you know/trust.

I have two Orléans with built in thermostats (but fanless) and use a community Stelpro Ki driver. I think @mboisson ´s Allia driver might work as well.

I tried with Zigbee Map but the device displays an error message after a few seconds. I then tried pairing again with the usual method, here is the result, still unable to control the device

@mike.maxwell Any thoughts?

Which driver is being used that produced the error you posted

This driver

The error doesn't make much sense, looking at the driver code. Can you go to preferences, turn on debug logging, and hit configure again ?

Here as requested.

From the logs, don't show anything coming back from the device (they should). My guess is that the pairing probably failed, independent of driver choice.

Is the connectivity icon lit on the heater ? #1 on the diagram.

I am not sure what to suggest, other than trying setting the hub to a different zigbee channel (do you have a lot of zigbee devices? repeaters?), making sure to avoid wifi interference. Do you know what channel your SmartThings hub is set to? You could try that one (while turning off the SmartThings hub).

The smartthings hub is shut down since this AM. So the pairing was done while it was closed.
The image of the heater is identical to mine. I followed the instructions with function 1, the icon appears as indicated in the instruction sheets. Here is also the image of the Zigbee network. Indeed, this device does not appear. I will try again, I bring the hub a few feet from the heater. I will come back in a few minutes to indicate if it works or not. Thank you for your quick responses! I really appreciate your help.

Last pairing did not work, again. Recognized by the Hubitat hub, then impossible to control it. Factory reset done before last pairing, hub hubitat shot down for 60 sec

Sorry, I did not follow the thread. I am not able to test this device with the driver, so I am not sure how I can help.

Je comprends. Merci pour ta réponse. En attendant qu'un Driver soit accessible nativement, j'utilise Hubithing Replica et ça fonctionne bien.
J'aurai un autre convectair à changer, dans une chambre donc sans ventilateur. Je pourrai voir si ton Driver fonctionne!

Merci beaucoup!