Stelpro Maestro Thermostat in Dashboard

I was able to get a good tile dashboard for this thermostat but after i reconnected it to the hub I'm having problem with the tile. I'm unable to get it work to increase or decrease the temp. I click configure and I even discover it again.

Any idea why it's not working in the dashboard ?

I don't have the arrows for up or down.

12-22-2020 3-10-41 PM

Are you using the same tile or did you recreate a new tile? make sure you go into the tile and reconnect the device to the tile (im going to assume you can see the thermostat in devices)

I just deleted the tile to be sure and recreated it. Same thing.

Did you find a solution to this? I've added all my Stelpro Maestro thermostats and I can control them from automations and from the Devices menu, but the tiles in my dashboard all look like the one on the right in your picture.

Hmmm, I can't post an internal link. Solution is in the main thread about the stelpro drivers, an edit around line 97.