I'm not sure how many gamers are on here, but I created a Steam driver. It calls the public steam API to "let you know what game you're playing" and turn a switch on and off if you are playing a game. I'm not sure how many people would use this, but this will help me control my office light when I'm gaming and not moving for a long period of time... The GitHub repo is here.
UPDATE: There were some issues with the first version, but I've updated it now... Seems to be working great!
For anyone who wants to mess with this code, I highly recommend not doing any less than 5 seconds. I had a lot of issues with this when it was 1 second... Not sure why.
metadata {
definition (name: "Steam API Driver", namespace: "AJax2012", author: "Adam Gardner") {
capability "Switch";
capability "Sensor";
command "ForcePoll";
command "poll";
attribute "userName", "string";
attribute "avatar", "string";
attribute "status", "string";
attribute "currentGame", "string";
attribute "DriverAuthor", "string";
preferences() {
section("Query Inputs"){
input "apiKey", "text", required: true, title: "API Key";
input "steamId", "text", required: true, title: "steamID64 (https://steamidfinder.com/lookup)";
input "autoPoll", "bool", required: false, title: "Enable Auto Poll";
input "pollInterval", "enum", title: "Auto Poll Interval:", required: false, options: ["1 Second","5 Seconds", "10 Seconds", "15 Seconds", "30 Seconds", "1 Minute", "3 Minutes"];
def installed() {
def updated() {
def initialize() {
if (autoPoll){
def poll() {
def ForcePoll()
log.debug "Steam Forcepoll called";
def params = [uri: "http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=${apiKey}&steamids=${steamId}"];
try {
httpGet(params) { resp ->
// resp.headers.each {
// log.debug "Response: ${it.name} : ${it.value}"
// }
// log.debug "params: ${params}"
// log.debug "response contentType: ${resp.contentType}"
// log.debug "response data: ${resp.data}"
def data = resp.data.response.players[0]
sendEvent(name: "userName", value: data.personaname, isStateChange: true);
sendEvent(name: "avatar", value: data.avatar, isStateChange: true);
if (data.gameextrainfo){
sendEvent(name: "currentGame", value: data.gameextrainfo, isStateChange: true);
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "in game", unit: rainUnit, isStateChange: true);
sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on");
else {
sendEvent(name: "currentGame", value: "n/a", isStateChange: true);
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "offline", unit: rainUnit, isStateChange: true);
sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off")
} catch (e) {
log.debug e
def Schedule() {
def array = pollInterval.split();
def numb = array[0];
def unit = array[1];
if (unit.contains("Second")) {
schedule("0/${numb} * * ? * * *", poll);
} else {
schedule("${numb} * * ? * * *", poll);
def Report(){
def obvTime = observationTime.value
log.info "$obvTime"
def setVersion(){
state.InternalName = "Steam API Driver"
sendEvent(name: "DriverAuthor", value: "Adam Gardner", isStateChange: true)