Status/health of devices?


Just migrated from ST to Hubitat today. Is there a place where you can check device health (like in the ST classic app) or status (like the status column of the devices page on the ST IDE)?



Not quite, but on the "Devices" list, you can sort by the "Last Activity At" column and take good guesses for most devices. (ST devices have a bad reputation for accuracy with device health, or least it did the last time I used the platform, so this honestly might be better.) On any individual device page, the "Last Activity At" column will show the same information.

Alternatively, a few community apps have been developed to help with this. Device Monitor is an older one (not sure if it's still maintained). Device Watchdog is a community option that allows you to periodically check a device's last activity and can do various things (notification, custom Dashboard tile update, etc.) when one meets your custom "inactivity" criteria (you'll need to have a feel for how your devices work here). I wrote Device Activity Check for a similar purpose (again, you'll have to have a feel for how your devices behave, e.g., how long you're willing to wait without any "Last Activity At" until you're concerned they may be goners).


(ST devices have a bad reputation for accuracy with device health, or least it did the last time I used the platform, so this honestly might be better.)

The health option in the app was definitely useless but I found the status column on the devices page in the IDE to be very useful so that's a shame there is nothing like that here. The Last Activity At column seems to be a lot like what the IDE provided when you clicked on a specific device. Guess that'll have to do once I get a better feel for how my devices behave with this system vs ST.

Something else I miss is the Zigbee mesh info when clicking on a specific device in the IDE:

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I just started playing with hubitat and to me it actually was quite an unpleasant surprise that the device status is not reported natively. For example I know that my Dome Water Leak sensor reports the status once in 24 hours. If it did not report in 24 hours just turn the tile with the device grey, as simple as that.
Without it HE can only be considered a hobby gadget as it cannot be seriously relied upon to monitor for example leak detectors, locks etc. anything that can cause serious aggravation if malfunctioned.
There are numerous community applications but the ones I tried are too cumbersome and do something different.