ST Presence Sensor

I have been using Smart Things Presence sensor to activate and deactivate my home alarm since I started using Hubitat several years back. Uses 2032 batteries and they use to last about a month. Now only a day or two days. Thought I had stored batteries too long and purchased new ones same thing 1 or 2 days they are wasted. Is there something I can do to prolong the life? Did something change with upgrades?

Check out the ST forums. See what some have done to convert them to AA battery working. I have done the mod and find the AA’s last a couple of years. The battery box I purchased even has an on off switch, so when I am away from home for a few days I can switch it off. Makes the batteries last even longer...

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I was thinking about doing this myself, but I could not find a battery box. Which battery box did you purchase?

Thanks for the reply. AA's would be a little big for my pocket along with keys. I will check it out though

Seems I read some placed these boxes in their car, only problem we drive different cars all the time and carry the fobs in our pocket or purse.

I have changed over the ones I leave in the vehicles to a AA battery holder years ago.
The unconverted fobs last for many months with the regular battery, not sure why you are having such terrible life. Maybe the ZigBee radio is on full trying to get to the hub?

Mine go about a month, maybe less depending upon if we are away a lot.

A month is about right. But the last time I changed the battery, it went flat in no time. At least if you go by the battery level in the device's status page... It was 100%, then 12% like the next day, then 0% shortly afterwards. But in reality, this fob has been reporting 0% for at least a couple weeks.

My second fob did this same weird battery behavior too, but a remove and pairing fixed it. The battery went from 0% reported to (from memory) 60% or so and has seemed to be more like it used to be. I just was too lazy to remove and pair the other one to see if it fixed reporting too. Waiting until the battery dies to do that.

I suspect there was some change in a driver or battery reporting or something in one of the latest (2.2.4) updates that caused this. I think there was even another thread about it a month or so ago.

ya i converted to aa batteries.. reporting is incorrect with it though. it says battery is at 0, but ignore it , it has been that way for over a year.

I also put velcroe on the box and attach them to the back deck in each car. Then i change device desc to be the car not a person and make rules based on that accordingly.. Recently though i dont need one for my tesla as the integration itself has presence and it opens the garage door so i dont need an automation like i do for my wife car..


That is the very same thing mine are doing put in one day shows 85% next 12% then 0 something has changed. Maybe I need to remove both and repair both.

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Did 3 like this. Got the boxes off Amazon. Work flawlessly. Batteries approaching the 8-9 month mark.


I got this box and wired it for 2 AA's and used the space for the other 2 AA's to hold the sensor itself.


Mine get very close to a year before getting low.

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