Soon ready 3d printed wall mount for Model C-5
That's cool. I just recently mounted mine in my network rack in a DIN rail enclosure
I'm going to throw a curve ball at you regarding this.
If you look at Control 4's recommendations, they advise against putting their hubs in network racks. I'm guessing it has to do with interference.
Interesting. What designer are you using? I use OpenSCAD but I know that is fairly rare. For the top edge, any plan for a small retention clip? I think one with a fairly small top overhang would be enough to help clip it in place.
I have been trying to figure out what is the best place to mount mine so have not printed any case yet. I think I might go for wings on the sides or top/bottom. That was it can be removed without removing the Hubitat from it.
I don't know exactly how the antenna orientation is in HE but most will have a relatively deadish or weakish spot in their radiation pattern. I think if the antenna is flat, which is likely given the thickness of the HE case, it might be directly above and below. Even if I am totally wrong there is an antenna radiation pattern and that might affect device performance when mounted on the wall. Something to consider.
Ask and you shall receive...
So I don't suppose you also have a radiation pattern map?
Interestingly, I noted no difference in performance on either my zwave or zigbee networks when my hub was mounted flat on the wall, or flat on a table.
Those antennas probably have negative gain, so what's a little more loss in the null anyway? Lol. Truthfully with all the reflections in a house your pattern probably won't matter much anyway...if you've got enough juice to hit the first repeating device, you're golden!
I've been looking through the forum for the radiation pattern map for the C5. Am I overlooking where it might be saved in documentation somewhere ?
This is important... even if one argues "marginally so" for this particular antenna configuration.
Knowing it helps one add "just that much more" surety to an optimal installation. Seems there's lots of threads on "repeating signal" but if there's an orientation best practice based on antenna location/design...well that help things right from the start.
I'm looking at a metal barn installation for a second hub (LAN available inside). Optimal location is out of the way against one of the metal walls in some dust enclosure. I am sure there has got to be some consequence to the orientation & proximity to that wall (against, 1" out, 6" out, vertical, horizontal, etc.)
Ever been asked to look at a WiFi coverage problem only to find antenna orientations set to radiate the energy straight into the sky/ground because "that was the convenient way to set them or we didn't realize the antenna getting bumped mattered"