Sony TV Driver

It works, i would just like to see the buttons laid out a bit different. More importantly though, status of sound level. Also scared to take the next android update, as this hasn't updated in a year.

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I set this up on my XBR-85X900F. It works, but needs some improvement. I'm going to start working on this a little in a few weeks when I'm back at home from some work travel.

One thing I need for sure is automatic polling of ON/OFF status, as that is the main thing I want from this. I'll probably set it up for either once/min or once/5 min (like the Roku TV driver does currently).

I use this driver on smartthings and all I did was attach a smart plug with power monitoring to the tv then on standby it uses about 20w and on about 85w so just wrote a rule when power goes above 40w poll and goes below 40w poll this keeps the status up-to-date without having to poll every so often and is more responsive.

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I have a power plug on mine too. I would like to get rid of that power plug, though. :smile:

This driver is almost next on my list to work on. I'll get to it eventually.

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I just removed all the debug logging in that driver. I had a rule that updated the status of the TV (On/off) on motion in the TV Room, since the driver doesnt update status if it's turned on via the remote. But upon movement in TV room, it has been spamming my logs with chattiness. Wish I'd done it sooner.

My needs were much simpler than the very full featured driver in the OP. So I made a "Lite" version.

This version:

  • removes all of the commands I didn't need (but I left the command code in, so you can add any back you may need)
  • Adds optional debug logging / auto debug logging turn off
  • Refreshes device ON/OFF status every minute automatically

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Is there any reason why I couldn't refresh more periodically or would this be resource hungry ?

I don't know - to be frank. LAN drivers are not my specialty.

I do know there have been hub performance/lockup issues on other drivers and apps if the HTTP calls get hung up/don't respond in a timely fashion.

I would say to try it, and watch the system. If you have issues, change it back.

Thanks, 1 minute is good enough for me for now, thanks for the driver or at least modding it

Pretty new to Hubitat, but I loaded the device driver for the Sony TV and it is working on a KD-65x8500c. I would like to create a TV dashboard with control buttons but I have no idea how to do it with this driver. I can control the TV with the device buttons, but I want to add these to a dashboard. Can someone help me achieve this ?

I can't think of any easy way to do it. All of the functions are exposed as Commands, and offhand I don't know of a way to put a command on a dashboard tile in a way you can interact with it.

You can use the Attribute tile type to SEE pretty much any parameter, but you can't "press" an attribute tile.

I think you can create a virtual button. Then create a rule in rule machine to push a command button whenever you click the virtual button.

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Hi @JasonJoel,

How do I use this feature in a rule in RM 4.0?
Refreshes device ON/OFF status every minute automatically. I have a rule as below:

Even though my TV is off for more than 10 mins, it still shows as on and does not refresh ON/OFF automatically.

Can you please help?

This driver works great with my 2016 Bravia in the living room but the commands don’t work with my 2019/2020 Bravia in the bedroom. Presume that Sony has changed something inbetween. Does anyone know if someone had built a newer driver than this one?

Don't know... I do know it works fine w/my 2019 Bravia ("F" model letter) though. Are you 100% sure you setup the network access/security the same on the new TV?

i'll check again, in case i've missed something. It works great with the living room TV just when I set it up for the bedroom TV i'm getting nothing from it. i'll check the details again :slight_smile:

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It is entirely possible they changed the security in the newest models though, too. Not sure.

This works great on My Sony TV its a XH95 (Great TV BTW).

All I needed to do was goto Network IP Setup to specific my PSK. Which I popped into the Virtual Device.

This is great.

I noticed the status is also not auto polled.

When I get some time there is probably the answer in their developer resource:

Thanks to the dude who created the driver.

I just installed this on my XBR-75X850G, it properly pulls the MAC address but nothing else works

Can't see a way to enable logging so don't know what to try


Install the version below. He has added logging to this app.