Sonos starts playing after hub reboot

Longtime Hubitat user here. I reboot my C8 each night at 3:00am, and have always done so with my hubs.

Twice in the last few weeks I've been woken up at 3:02am from music playing in one of my Sonos speakers. As you can see from attached logs, it appears after the hub reboots, music starts playing. I can't figure out why, and would appreciate ideas on debugging. It appears to happen after 5% of reboots.

The only automation I have to play music is a WebCoRE script which basically listens for a Zigbee button press, and will play music on the Sonos. The WebCoRE script logs show no activity at 3:00am. I'm not seeing any device activity from the Zigbee button at 3:00am. The logs don't show any other activity happening with the Sonos speaker.

Any ideas?

You don't need to do this. Most people don't unless you have something chewing up memory and/or crashing the hub. If so you should solve that issue instead.

Look at the sonos device(s) and see what they're in use by. That may give you a better clue.

I also notice all those warn's. Are these dead lan integrations or other sonos speakers?